De arrow also lets you do those things and customize which of them it always does.
It’s also the same guy that does sponsor block :)
Not trying to steer people away from yours, it’s good to have alternatives, just sharing the info
I’m pretty adorable, but I’ve seen some shit.
De arrow also lets you do those things and customize which of them it always does.
It’s also the same guy that does sponsor block :)
Not trying to steer people away from yours, it’s good to have alternatives, just sharing the info
Think it’s because they know the people pirating are the people paying for unlimited?
And the recent score. Good to see if a recent update kills the game or something
Pulled back for now, to be retweaked and pushed at a later time
It’s the time to go against proprietary monopolizing software
Tell me you know nothing about the gaming industry without telling me lol
What do you suggest, when the alternatives like epic or Ubisoft are exponentially worse?
Well, neither could the original gbc, so ;)
I guarantee the dev is sitting comfortable with a paycheck and doesn’t give a shit what happens to the game
And just because you didn’t meet up doesn’t mean you didn’t engage in pedophilia. I like how he talks about hating pedophiles, so at least we know he hates himself too /s
Demos are almost completely gone, so make your own demos :) but still feel free to actually pirate from ea, Ubisoft, Sony, etc
Remember when people were using allo and Google play music? Google doesn’t.
Prophetic? Fuck no. Cautionary tales that unfortunately turn into self-fulfilling prophecies? That’s a different story
I don’t like the sound of getting on with “productive uses” either though. I hope the entire thing is a catastrophic failure.
Before I block you… Who “thought” you how to talk? How retarded are they?
My face unlocks my brother’s phone lmao this isn’t a good idea
True, humor is subjective and I guess I just personally didn’t find it in this one
Then the curtains should have changed color on the last panel if that thought ever even took a poo in the author’s head
Honestly that would’ve been great lol
Easier to navigate than what? If you say Google play music I’ll drive to your nuts and kick you in the house. Ytm is hot dog water and gets worse every update