7 months ago🦀🦀🦀 Jagex won’t respond 🦀🦀🦀
🦀🦀🦀 Jagex won’t respond 🦀🦀🦀
So, you could say you find their pacing Satisfactory?
Did you read the article? All those fines were from other people, erroneously applied to him when the police officer didn’t fill in the information on the citation.
From the sounds of it, your account would be on the “original” Runescape 3, rather than the Old-school Runescape this post is about.
Old-school Runescape is essentially a fork of a random backup they found of the game as it existed in 2007 that they released in 2013 after a lot of dissatisfaction about how Runescape had changed over that timespan.
None of the accounts/characters from the original game were migrated.