Why would Terraria staff ever crunch? Nobody except the utterly deranged would be expecting more content from them, and even then there would be no reasonable person who would need it sooner. There’s no deadline for them to crunch to.
Why would Terraria staff ever crunch? Nobody except the utterly deranged would be expecting more content from them, and even then there would be no reasonable person who would need it sooner. There’s no deadline for them to crunch to.
Most Bethesda RPGs are going for bredth instead of depth. They give you a giant world to explore and usually throw you into that world with complete freedom relatively quickly.
I generally agree that Skyrim (and Oblivion to be honest) aren’t particularly strong games when you look at pretty much any individual system, and the games don’t interest me much, but I totally get the appeal.
It’s really great, isn’t it? I tried to get some friends into it but it seems like I’m the only one who enjoys rhythm games. I really like The Magician I think
Somebody convince me I’m wrong.
There is no reason to display “100%” in your UI for more than a single second. Either show 99% and then finish, or show 100% only when you are ACTUALLY done and only show it for a little.
If you’re still doing ANYTHING AT ALL don’t say you’re 100% complete. How is it still like this
It’s an awesome little device! You’ve got plenty of games to work through, but if you feel like trying a side loaded one, give my game Pogo Arc a try: https://thesambassador.itch.io/pogo-arc
It’s not a full dedicated gaming console that you’re spending hours and hours playing. It’s a toy that’s great for quick sessions and it’s really fun to develop games for. It’s very well made and the software is great.
It’s not a fair comparison to existing handhelds. It’s niche, and definitely not for everyone. Personally, I love it and think it’s just a unique toy that’s fun to show people. If you’d need to get X hours of gameplay to make it “worth” it to you, it probably isn’t your style.
It’s an enthusiast device. As a gamedev myself, it’s super fun to make little games for, and then you can easily show your friends/family. The limitations and unique input (the crank) lead to some awesome and interesting games.
I don’t really view it as a serious gaming device. It’s great for 5-20 minute sessions but it is basically a toy. I think if you’re interested in experimental indie games, it’s a great little device that’s absolutely worth it. It shouldn’t be directly compared to a “normal” game console because, frankly, it isn’t.
How does Valve prevent you from controlling your own device? Their version of Linux isn’t locked down, you can fully customize it like any Linux afaik.
Reminds me of this https://youtu.be/Fc1P-AEaEp8
What reason is there for this when the compiler could just optimize that variable out of existence? This feels like the most hand holdy annoying “feature” unless I’m missing something.
Fi is SO ANNOYING! Skyward Sword has some really excellent bits but Fi is just way too heavy handed.
Edge started itself on boot after a recent Windows update. It even had a little pop-up about how “helpful” it was to have it start right when my computer turns on so I can “get to browsing” faster. It’s never been set as my default. Uhg.
It’s obviously not great for the type of community that’s about knowledge sharing and learning, and it does suck that a lot of communities went there.
But it’s a great platform for simple social servers that are just about communicating. It’s super easy to sign up and set up a server. A lot of it just works well for chat.
Them going public probably puts a timer on the service though, so if it happens Discord probably just will get worse.