They why are they crying if they agree to the game ?
Like the audience is supposed to make it better for the system they feed themselves into ?
What is wrong with peace that its inspiration doesn’t endure, and this its story is hardly told ?
Because traitors declare themselves king, that is why.
They why are they crying if they agree to the game ?
Like the audience is supposed to make it better for the system they feed themselves into ?
They are the daft ones. They are agreeing to work under those conditions, and they are acting like they didn’t agree to bad terms.
They why are they agreeing to work for those terms ?
should be a lesson to those excited about iphones using starlink
Come back in 3 years and the “historical cases” will have appeared.
or just wait 14 hours
Another reason to tell Obama to fuck himself.
int* ihadatonepointforgottenaboutpoundefinesyoubastard {};
to be fair for black Americans that is a centuries old tune
I guess making a search online is the one thing slightly more difficult than making an assumption.
Regardless how this plays out that was a very satisfying article to read and the quoted section above is a big part of that.
also I haven’t made any investment of my time or money into A.I. so my personal smug-o-meter needle is buried high-side right now.
everything is a file including a filesystem*
* including databases
It is the same thing with that landlord software that colludes rent prices instead of competes rent prices.
The free market competition has been replaced.
Yeah low budget used in conjunctivitis with A.I. is like that meetaa guy saying low performers are being fired while saying A.I. coding is going to happen at meetaa in 2025.
I remember when the US government paid AT&T to get fiber to the curb of American homes.
Then AT&T didn’t. And then the US sued AT&T to get the money back and into the hands of US Americans. Wireless internet is an end-around having to fulfill those promises of a wide bandwidth future. And here is the evidence for that.
Why would a billionaire resort to name calling random people ?
Ooooh … his wealth and power is threatened.
Then the ones just above the lowest 5% become the newest lowest 5%.
Is he gonna cut them next ?
First they came for the lowest 5%,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a lowest 5%.
Then they came for the lowest 5%,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a lowest 5%.
Then they came for the lowest 5%,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a lowest 5%.
Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to cut below me.
Cunk on Brian Cox:
“So do you go by Brian or … do you prefer Cox ?”
Oh I thought it wasn’t that great ? Now it is an amazing general-purpose computing device owned by many.
There are 25 Bond films thus far. No matter what happens moving forward those films are not going anywhere.
Just like with Indiana Jones … ignore the ones you don’t like and love your favorites. This is not rocket science.