Not the down voter, but as a day 1 PS5 buyer who could afford the pro I will just say they didn’t offer any value to me. I’ve played 1 game on the PS5 that I couldn’t have on my base PS4 (Demon’s Souls) and I could play the original of that on my PS3. They promised all of this great stuff on the PS5 and under delivered. Why would I put down the $700 why would I spend that when I hardly even use my PS5 and even when I do I could’ve just used my PS4?
I mean that’s not what I want, but money talks and I fit into exactly what you said. I did not buy an Xbox, I did but a PS5, but hardly bought (I don’t think I’ve even beaten) any games. The next switch is probably the next console I’m excited about. But it’s not because of the portability, it’s because they still make couch co-op games.
In short I want to say I don’t care for handhelds but I’ll probably try harder to get a switch close to release than I will a PS6 even though I don’t know how much of a point in either right now. I just have console fatigue, but keep paying into the problem.