This guy sucks Elon’s toes
This guy sucks Elon’s toes
Had my eye on Children of the Sun a while back. Thanks for the reminder it’s on sale, I think I’ll pick it up too.
It’s less money in their pockets and more money in ours. That’s not going to be a double win in their books.
Getting Epic’s money isn’t a slam dunk for profit. You’re hedging your bets taking guaranteed Epic money for lower potential sales vs non-guaranteed Steam money for higher potential sales. Having a bad exclusivity deal on Epic and then selling your game at a loss (90% discount) on steam isn’t profiting both ways, and sometimes isn’t profiting either way.
I also disagree with the sentiment that you’re reinforcing bad behavior. If anything, you’re signalling to them that you won’t support exclusivity deals, and are happy to wait for a deep discount on Steam. Ultimately, that’s a win for consumers.
That said, fuck exclusivity deals, and I’m much in the same boat where I’m hard pressed to support developers that take them.
Thanks for the heads up. My guinea pig laptop will not be having games on it. I may try out Factorio down the road to see if it’ll run, but that’s more to test than to play. This machine will be pretty much a Crunchyroll/web browsing machine.
I suppose one things I forgot to include in my main post, now that I think about it, is protection. Windows typically has a lot of safeguards built in, so I’m pretty comfortable torrenting stuff online. How does this work with other Linux distros? Do they all have their own systems already in place, or is this something I need to set up myself? And how careful do I have to be about download stuff online, or browsing the web?
I have issues right now with fast boot on my Windows machine. If I disable it, I can’t shut down my computer, it just restarts. Weird problem that has somehow survived a re-image. Likely some issue I’m going to have to sort out prior to starting the Linux process.
Awesome. That’s pretty much exactly what I’m looking for. I’m sure I’ll tinker more down the road, but this is perfect for now.
Thanks friend. Appreciate the info :)
I don’t play any MMOs, and this laptop won’t have any games, other than maybe Factorio to test down the road. It’s pretty much an extra laptop I have laying around to see if I can get a Linux OS set up.
Thanks for the link though. If I do ever set up Linux on my main gaming rig, I’ll be sure to refer to the link.
Amazing write-up, thank you so much. Put into terms that I can easily understand.
I’ll digest this and take everything you said into consideration when setting everything up as you’ve provided a TON of valuable info. Cheers!
Thanks for the detailed response, I’m really looking forward to getting it set up. It’s nice to hear that it seems like you can sort of dip your toes in and be in a somewhat familiar environment at the beginning.
Great, thanks a lot for the detailed write up!
Awesome. Excited to try it out. Maybe I’ll give it a go tomorrow and see if I can get it figured out.
Wicked. Thanks for the link for Rufus. Sounds very helpful.
Finally, a use for ChatGPT.
Thank you friend, I appreciate the wisdom. The laptop I’m using is a Lenovo T470, so performance is poor at best. Is this going to cause issues with Ubuntu? I’d reckon no more so than Windows, but again, I’m fairly clueless here.
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It was always in the EULA. You signed the contract when you made the account.
You can play Nintendo games on PC, with the added bonus of not giving money to that ghoulish company.
I played BotW and TotK on my PC, and let me tell you friend, with the increased frame rate, and the ability to run reshade, it looks and feels better than ever.
Hey it’s me, your therapist. It’s for the nudes.
Gold medal for your performance in mental gymnastics.