Consider the average person’s intelligence. Then realize half (or so) are stupider than that.
Consider the average person’s intelligence. Then realize half (or so) are stupider than that.
I mean, love it or hate it, Destiny 2 is literally made to be played by (mostly) 3-person teams. I’ve had a boatload of fun with it over the years.
Well, ya dumbasses, you’re the ones that let them buy you in the first place.
And, as far as I’ve always known, those apps are awful. I haven’t checked in awhile though.
So, rather than having some revenue coming in from YouTube, they’d rather force everyone to use their own website? Do they not understand that not everyone watches YouTube on a computer? Some exclusively use the YouTube app on their phones, TVs, or game consoles.
I dunno. It’s not as if it costs them anything to host the videos on YouTube. Seems odd to completely cut off a revenue source like that.
Ah yes, I totally have the time to dedicate to each and every single one of these ‘endless’ experiences and an bottomless wallet chock full of cash whose only purpose is to be spent on cosmetic items that nobody but me will ever give two shits about.