I use the linuxserver images for Nextcloud. Have worked pretty well for me over the past few years.
I use the linuxserver images for Nextcloud. Have worked pretty well for me over the past few years.
Or servo. Literally anything but chrome man.
I find it commendable that you wrote code so horrible other libraries started throwing more errors wondering what the hell you were doing.
I assumed from the start that they were purposefully holding back promo codes, or scraping them from users and holding the affected sites ransom (in a sense). “We’ll stop serving this cupon if you become a member.” Scummy, but ultimately still slightly beneficial to the end user, a Robbin Hood crime. (Ignoring the people who work with genuinely good companies to get discount codes for things like student projects. Unrecognized casualties.)
It’s the affiliate link stealing that’s become the source of outcry. That was more stealthy and essentially flipped the script. Now everyone publicly in support of it is being burned.
If you were never involved in it, it really is just funny to see how quickly a corporate Robin Hood figure can flip sides. It’s not like we haven’t seen numerous examples before, some of them literally taking the namesake.
Yeah, that thing is honestly impressive. If I didn’t already have a full network manager wg setup I’d just use that.
Reformatting that compose for people:
version: "2.1" services:
image: linuxserver/wireguard
container_name: wireguard
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=Asia/Singapore
- SERVERURL=auto #optional
- SERVERPORT=51820 #optional
- PEERS=1 #optional
- PEERDNS=auto #optional
- INTERNAL_SUBNET= #optional
- ./config:/config
- /lib/modules:/lib/modules
- 51820:51820/udp
- net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
- net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1
restart: unless-stopped
Sounds like you didn’t read the extended manual: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-wireguard
There are a lot of other configs for that container that must be provided before startup. It’s just a generic runner. If you want it to run as a server you need to follow this section: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-wireguard?tab=readme-ov-file#server-mode
Are you at getting the handshake in the app? If so, you’re probably just missing the dispatch commands for traffic masquerading.
Eaton is your best bet for compatibility in the consumer market.
I like phoronix.com but don’t bother reading the article comments.
Well, that diagram brings up an interesting point. In fediverse if the host dies the federated content can still live on (theoretically, I haven’t checked to see if they cull content from dead hosts) but ATProto would dictate that the host is missing and therefore all content associated with the host is now immediately 404.
Edit: I stand corrected https://social.coop/@cwebber/113527531906508036
I could appreciate a client certification that is optional, like a list of approved clients on their website or something along those lines.
It should not be enforced by killing the client. I like security, but I enjoy software freedom more.
Not sure about the Eco tank line, but the smart tank line botched the IPP interface. Ink level reporting is always wrong and printer status is regularly wrong. Exposed settings are limited to push people to the app.
To be fair, C predates dependency hell. It was either there or it wasn’t. C++ has less of an excuse, but it was just object oriented concepts taped to C so it’s no surprise it was also missing dependency management.
Now with cmake, gnu-make, meson, gradel, and the world of metabuild systems that wrap those, nothing will change. It it does, it might as well kick start world war 3.
I’m currently use RiMusic, but I wish something would automatically sort through my ListenBrainz recommendations
We’ll have a timeline for the plan to make the plan by next quarter
Was actually considering buying premium now that I use YouTube for music more than Spotify, but then the ad stuff happened and now this. Going to avoid it out of principle now.
Sounds like it would specifically be APRS if they were. Neat protocol. Unfortunately no encrypted traffic was allowed last time I looked into it.
I know we all hate our jobs but there has to be a story behind this…