Ignoring the printer aspect… I do everything I can to avoid laptop trackpads anyway. I’ve never used one that didn’t make me want to smack the designers of.
Ignoring the printer aspect… I do everything I can to avoid laptop trackpads anyway. I’ve never used one that didn’t make me want to smack the designers of.
The people in that photo do not appear to be playing polo.
Musk: “We’ve spared no expense!”
Critics: “So, LiDAR?”
Musk: “We’ve spared some expense!”
I appreciate the positive outlook for the possibility of things, but I live in a world where Microsoft has already violated customer trust and privacy, so I’ll stick with what evidence supports. Evidence supports that this is not about customers, and is instead a new way for them to get additional data.
The risks of this being done incorrectly, at all, are much more worrisome than any speculative fiction I might want to entertain about them.
This isn’t an unreasonable suggestion, but I’m not seeing accessibility mentioned anywhere on the Recall site. For those with sight issues, I’m unclear on how the process would be with the necessary screen-reader that MS is silent on compatibility with. Sure, text to voice is a thing, but that would only be useful at home unless you really want to have a computer read out loud everything it’s got in Recall.
The tech is useful.
To Microsoft, sure. But what about the users? Which problem or problems were being solved?
We’re going to need a new word for when all this data on your poo leaks.
So now we just need a MAC filter with a wild card at the firewall?
No more LG products in this house.
What’s required in terms of attribution will be subject to the license that can with your SoundFont, sample library, etc.
The legal implication of using any audio acquired in any way will always be subject to the license under which it is acquired.
There are some sources that only allow for use in non commercial productions, plenty allow commercial usage without further attribution necessary, but the exact requirements of using it will always be subject to that license.
Check with the original site, they may have the slice se available.
Elon Musk is a Nazi toddler.
Wordpress is the Excel of CMSs. It can do just about anything, but at this point it barely manages content well.
Whoops, I certainly missed that. Thank you!
You sure about that part? I thought they shut down. I guess they might have some user-based servers?
Bye Nazi-toddler, don’t let our tolerance and diversity hit your ketamine addicted ass on its way out, you piece of human garbage.
Maybe after the rug-pull he’ll finally have something so he can stop with that ridiculous hair-style.
It seems like the extras were for a specific limited demographic. When the costs of producing the extra content, and sales of the physical media are taken into account… I would guess that when a no-extras vs extras version of the same movie was available, the one that was cheaper with less content sold more.
I enjoyed the extra features on a handful of shows, but I think this is a smaller sales-base than the author realizes.
I only refer to him as a toddler. If you talk, act, and shit on things then blame others like a toddler, you’re a toddler. A fucking Nazi Toddler at that.
I’m impressed this person was able to type all of that with Meta’s giant dick in their mouth.
Someone call CPS on this woman. Elon Musk has the brain capacity of a 4 year old, this should be considered child abuse.
/s just in case
From Mac to Vaio to Thinkpad to Yoga to Logitech, I can’t stand any of them.