Film based DSLR huh?
Film based DSLR huh?
I used to use Google Play music back in the day. It was also nice to upload your own music and then be able to stream it anywhere.
Now I use Plex with Plexamp which works almost as well.
It’s like the ==, but there’s one more =
It would be nice if it worked that way.
They already find any reason not to release body camera footage. You really think they’re gonna release all policy activity after 24 hours?
I’m 100% with you. All for buying anything you can, not from Amazon. But for some people, especially here in the United States, Amazon has become the only option to buy certain items. Just trying to get people alternatives to paying $160 a year for a service that doesn’t really provide much of anything in my eyes.
It doesn’t provide anything. They already offer free shipping on orders above $25. If you insist on buying from them, just wait to buy stuff until you need $25 worth, then check out.
Ford owners know all about using their legs