How they do rise up
How they do rise up
Something I find delightful is how Terry Pratchett worked this event into his novel Night Watch. Of course the Glorious Revolution of the Twenty-Fifth of May is inspired by many public revolts to oppressive rule, not the least of which is the June Rebellion in Paris in 1832. But it’s also no accident that some of the villains of the story work for the Cable Street Particulars, an enforcement arm of the fascist ruling Patrician.
Yes, and I love your username
Tx OP <3
You see those warriors from Hammerfell? They’ve got curved swords. Curved. Swords.
Wait, people don’t like that movie?
That’s like not liking Tommy Boy. Or Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid
Yo Squid, this is TIL, not No context comics
(Just kidding, keep posting you legend)
Can confirm, am depressed
Ya it’s in the name. Google is synonymous with tracking and lack of privacy. Just another bit we give up to live in the most advanced and free country in the civilized world, governed by it’s its citizens and not a conglomerate of corporate overlords selling our minds by inches.
Ah, I see you also have that’s Gboard
(I literally swiped “ghosts Gboard” twice to get the advice above. Oh look, it happened again)
I was thinking Karl Urban as Éomer when Théoden fell. Dude sells the grief and heartbreak
Just stay away from nvidia on Linux and you are golden.
I’m sorry but this is the kind of condescending bullshit that pushes me away from Linux
I got a 3070TI for half off MSRP for open box in the middle of the crypto bubble, and I’m not buying another GPU until I absolutely have to.
You want more people to embrace Linux? Make it work on startup without jumping through a bunch of hoops, on the hardware we already own.
Your lived experience with Windows is yours, and I’m glad you have a system that works for you. I don’t have the time or mental energy to learn, not just a new OS, but also all of the bugs that go with it.
Look, I get it. I’m putting my apprentice in my old work van, and as I’m looking at the old heap I’m remembering all the little quirks it has that I’ve developed blind spots for. Blind spots they don’t have. Quirks that are actually problems. I know there are problems with windows that I ignore because I know how to work around them. I know the workarounds because I’ve been using Windows since 3.11. I didn’t have that experience with Linux, and neither does my wife. A woman who once nearly bricked our computer falling for an Indian call center scam.
When this rig bites the dust, I’ll probably build a Linux gaming box and just tell her to get used to the OS. For now, we’re using Windows
Also HP is shit and I’d gladly put any HP exec in the hospital if I met them
That would be me.
Tried Ubuntu 15 years ago, but couldn’t because Nvidia driver issues, and haven’t tried again
Look, dudes, I’m bootstrapping a small business while trying to manage ADHD. I can barely get two hours of admin work done in an eight hour day. I just need things to work. I’d love to walk away from Windows but I don’t have the mental bandwidth for that shit
And even if I did, my wife and I share a gaming computer/media center. There’s nothing like having her call me in the middle of a workday because my VPN is keeping her from logging into PBS so that she can watch Grantchester. Imagine the headaches if I installed a new OS.
Much like improving my physical fitness, I have the desire, but not the will
Neat! Thank you _
Hey what’s the difference between Shattered Pixel Dungeon and Pixel Dungeon ML?
Oh dang you’re right, I definitely remember a DF version but yes
Amazing news and you love to hear it! I’m so happy Tarn and Zach get to benefit from their passion project. TBH i haven’t played since they introduced magic. I got distracted by other things. But I 100% bought it through steam as soon as it was released, just out of appreciation
e: bloody markdown