French supreme court*
French supreme court*
Thank you for explaining that. I’m new to Linux and really didn’t understand that snap thing I heard about
If they keep attacking all my favorite streaming sites then I guess I’ll have to finally figure out this torrenting and Usenet thing.
I help pay for my instance to run, nothing is free but there is freeloading. Otherwise someone is else pays for the electricity that powers my server requests as I shitpost on lemmy
They see Reddit pulling off having bots steer discourse and they’re green with envy. I can’t imagine it not being something like this
Thanks for making a great app purple man
Alright! Dystopian nightmare timeline is a go!
I especially like the part where cops are reported to heavily abuse these databases for personal agendas or to share with criminals. Truly ACAB
This is a very good reason to maintain the appearance of neutrality while facing your local community
This might even be an argument for putting those smoked opaque covers on your license plates even if it’s questionably legal. There’s more than a few people out there with definitely not legal smoked covers to the point you literally can’t read their plates unless you’re tailgating them, and cops don’t give a shit because nobody is ever pulled over for illegal mods. I’d wager that the cameras can’t read them either if you can’t at 10 yards
About god-damned time someone did something about that.
Not great that it had to be California legislating it for the rest of the country but we’d pass out if we held our breath on Congress doing anything useful
I would downvote this if I could.
This kind of shit is what’s actively making the internet a worse experience.
No human wants to read generic drivel written by a machine, let alone being fooled into clicking on this asshole’s website because they gamed the search engine to get their garbage ranked higher on the list
Oh that’s why no videos would load.
Damn it
There’s also this company that caters to this sort of thing. I’ve been considering moving to this someday, maybe when my current phone dies. I’m the kind of person that needs a genuinely dumbed down phone to limit access since I’d just get the key out of the drawer and ‘cheat’ eventually.
What’s the game plan if they did?
Trade restrictions?
China already proved those did fuck all to stop them from developing their own model.
Ducking knew this ai bubble would burst sooner or later, just glad we can finally get on with it now.