Fentanyl is a technology.
Fentanyl is a technology.
Didn’t Apple just come out with one or am I mistaken?
I have an iPhone 15 Pro and a recent Pixel (just because I’m a dev and want to know both ecosystems). I use the iPhone as my daily driver, though, not because it’s necessarily better but because I cannot help myself when it comes to tinkering with Android devices. I have semi-bricked several over the years and then had to install Windows in a VM to run some sketchy-looking factory reset program.
Basically, it’s not an Android problem. It’s a me problem. I’m the one who needs a walled garden so I don’t do science experiments.
I sincerely apologize.
You can still buy Motorola 68000 chips (from the Apple II and Commodore 64) and get the job of rolling windows up and down done. Sometimes, old chip designs are good enough and cheaper than one modern design.
I know the point of this is probably just intimidation but 35 companies? Are there 35 social networks that moderate content? Why is Apple included? Is there some conspiracy theory that they’re censoring conservative App Store reviews?
Yale claiming lack of funding when it’s got a $40 billion endowment is pretty laughable.
I’ll go with .zip because it’s so stupid, it’s funny. It’s like selling .pdf or .docx and expecting zero shenanigans.
But in all seriousness, I like .website. It’s short and to the point. This is my website.
The good news is that if SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son backs it, it’ll fail in a matter of months.
To paraphrase Mayor Quimby: if the winds of change are blowing, never let it be said that Mark Zuckerberg does not also blow.
I kind of suspect this is as much about A.I. progress hitting a wall as anything else. It doesn’t seem like any of the LLMs are improving much between versions anymore. The U.S. companies were just throwing more compute (and money/electricity) at the problem and seeing small gains but it’ll be awhile before the next breakthrough.
Kind of like self-driving cars during their hype cycle. They felt tantalizingly close 10 years ago or so but then progress stalled and it’s been a slow grind ever since.
It’s easy to write a bot. You just ask ChatGPT DeepSeek for the code.
His manifesto is so bad. I know he wrote Mosaic and co-founded Netscape; presumably he has some type of intelligence. But he definitely can’t write manifestos for shit. The writing is awkward and his arguments so juvenile that they mostly just made me roll my eyes.
He basically writes like someone who only took the bare minimum of required humanities courses in college and every elective was in STEM. (Which is fine! He’s obviously had success in life. He just should use some of that money to hire a writer and editor to help with his next manifesto.)
I also would like to merge with TikTok.
I was born in 1981 so, in the United States at least, I’m considered an “elder millennial” rather than Generation X or a Baby Boomer. It’s a silly thing but we give our generations names.
When I was growing up, Google didn’t exist (much less YouTube) so watching a video was a pain in the ass. It took whole ass minutes to download, you needed RealPlayer/codecs, and then half the time, it could have been a text article that took 30 seconds to read. So, asking someone to watch a video that could have been an article was considered rude. Now, it’s probably the opposite and video is preferred.
It’s a bit similar to “this meeting could have been an email” but I meant no disrespect. It’s just that I’m old and prefer text Internet to video.
I apologize. I’m an elder millennial so asking me to watch a whole video instead of read something violates the social contract that once was. I’d delete but I’d rather leave it up as a cautionary tale for other old people.
Is it my dishwasher? Or does it have to shaped like a human for no reason?
The only reason I wouldn’t go with Postgres is if I planned to do other things on the same machine. MariaDB/MySQL has been around forever. You may find something that requires it — Wordpress1, for example, requires MariaDB (or MySQL but use MariaDB) and doesn’t support Postgres.
Also, there’s solutions like Docker containers if you are running multiple things on the same server. But if you’re just learning and putting one thing on a Raspberry Pi as a project or whatever, you don’t need to learn Docker yet.
1 I’m not recommending Wordpress. It’s ancient and has security issues all the time. But over 40% of sites on the Net still use it in some form. (I mean Wordpress.org, the open source project. The Wordpress company seems to be having some “crazy CEO” drama at the moment.)
I mean, SSL certs are free now:
Maybe not worth $50 a year to change your setup but there’s no reason to pay for them anymore.
Alphabet/Google needs to fire their CEO. He’s an obvious idiot, not good with employees, not good with investors, and not good at lobbying. That’s like 99% of a CEO’s job. Just get rid of him and Google’s stock price will probably jump 20%.