DOOM can’t run inside a CAPTCHA!
DOOM can’t run inside a CAPTCHA!
Unfortunately the more I read the less this seems like a long overdue accounting of the video game industry’s hubris and the more it seems like someone with looking for someone to blame for their failson. These companies have literally hired psychologists to come up with ways to more effectively manipulate their players into buying their digital bullshit, and surprise surprise many of the things those psychologists have come up with are basically unregulated gambling.
I wonder if this is a false flag?
I think they did at one point, but during the plot he’s the only one and he’s working unpaid overtime, because he warned them when he signed his original contract that the system they wanted needed more engineers and more time but they didn’t listen and then threatened him into working for free when the system wasn’t ready at the end of his original contract. This is the direct reason why he committed the corporate espionage that caused the whole park to go fubar.
I love it when good studios do new things
wow. Imagine burning out your expensive GPU for a fortnite skin.