No, you’re right. That was shitty, but this report sorta puts a different light on it. I would hope that Linus was caught off guard by the allegations and responded poorly. I’m clearly giving him the benefit of the doubt though and I hope I’m not wrong.
Time may tell. Idk.
Yeah, I definitely see that now. The loud ones are apparently all I saw.
It’s unbelievable how much hate for LTT there is on this platform. I like them. No one is perfect. This investigation from a third party is a good thing and the findings are good as well. The statement about defamation, I feel, is warranted because the ex-employee made a ton of very damning claims and really hurt their image. The Fediverse is a great example of this damage.
The hate from this community towards LTT is extreme and unfounded.
Great video!
Sounds like some sensationalized bullshit. They don’t give a single number or meaningful statement and they are paywalled.
Right? Why the fuck did this guy trust them with his data? This sounds like a personal problem to me.
Your option is Azure or AWS…
One molar mass, two molar mass, a-three molar mass ah ah ah.