So many people don’t realise the reality of cigarette waste.
“It’s just one small butt” adds up to:
- 4.5 TRILLION butts littered globally each year - - Enough to circle the Earth 300 times if placed end to end
“It’s just paper and cotton” - NOPE:
- The filter is plastic (cellulose acetate)
- Contains over 15,000 plastic fibres
- Takes up to 14 years to break down
- Even then, it just becomes microplastics
“Rain will wash it away” - Yeah, right into:
- Storm drains
- Rivers
- Oceans
- Fish (they mistake them for food)
“At least it’s not toxic” - Actually:
- One butt can contaminate up to 40 liters of water
- Contains arsenic, lead, nicotine, and other toxins
- Kills fish, birds, and other wildlife
Yeah it’s crazy. It’s definitely not something most people associate with plastic.