Time to start using VSCodium then, I want no cloud AI in my development setup.
Time to start using VSCodium then, I want no cloud AI in my development setup.
They did the same on Tekken 7 iirc.
PS5 exclusive, no idea how that won a GOTY award.
Lie before launch about what features the game will/won’t include to dodge bad reviews and increase sales, add microtransaccions for costumes of older tekkens, add in game store with a paid currency that forces you to add more money that the exact amount you want to spend, mtx with limited uses, in game adds masked as free customization items (chipotle brand), add characters from older tekkens as DLC (Eddy, Lydia, Heihachi…), add a paid battle pass separated of the season pass that gives you customization items, exclude DLC content from the Season Pass/Ultimate Edition that was supossedly to include it (Heihachi scenary).
And who knows what more to come.
I hope they release more 3d fighting games to compete with Tekken, what they did with Tekken 8 is disguting.
I’ve never played Virtual Fighter but seeing how it looks I’m very excited to try it. No flying and no low fps hit animations, sounds great.
BuyVM for sure, but maybe you should look for seedboxes, not VPSs.
Openmediavault and TrueNAS are 2 OS alternatives and Docker is the depolyment mechanism to run the services like qbitorrent or ProtonVPN.
openmediavault + Docker or TrueNAS Scale
I suggest buying a bigger cpu cooler.
Long live Activity Pub.
Where are you getting the percentages? Do you have the Windows source code?
Ergonomic keyboard approach.
Having the latest software and not having to worry about reinstalling the OS every major release is the main point of Rolling Release.
If you want less updates and your are fine not having the most recent software you are good using a fixed point release OS like Fedora or similar. Although you are not forced to update openSUSE very often, you can do it once a month or if you know there was a recent CVE fix.
The problem are kernel-anticheats, and EA of course.
Looks like APL to me.
Where can I see the game? Clearly the Steam page is not the right place.
Security by obscurity is not real.