That’s interesting. What about talking about it as a subject or a class? Would you say maths are my favorite subject(s?) in school? Maths are my favorite class?
That’s interesting. What about talking about it as a subject or a class? Would you say maths are my favorite subject(s?) in school? Maths are my favorite class?
Is the ending s kept on abbreviations of other singular nouns ending in s? Or is that unique to maths?
I could be completely wrong, but I doubt any of my (US) professors would reference an ISO definition, and may not even know it exists. Mathematicians in my experience are far less concerned about the terminology or symbols used to describe something as long as they’re clearly defined. In fact, they’ll probably make up their own symbology just because it’s slightly more convenient for their proof.
They lifted the info embargo! You can talk about it now! I’m having an amazing time with Abrams except when I play teams that know how to parry. Laning can be tricky at first, but his regen is so good you can somewhat ignore the other hero and focus on last hitting.