Yeah they developed it because they feared the Makarov used before was not beefy enough.
Yeah they developed it because they feared the Makarov used before was not beefy enough.
You guys making fun but I say the Mercury capsule really had a vaguely similar shock absorber.
Not only that he also had a pistol with him.
In OSMAnd you can make a map with aerial tiles from bing. You have to configure the map view yourself but it is doable.
Edit: Enable Online maps plugin. Then enable Microsoft Earth as a base or overlay map.
That is about the experience I have. I asked it for factual information in the field I work at. It didn’t gave correct answers. Or, it gave working protocols which were strange and would not be successful.
No clue what Amazon is using. The one I have access to gave a sane answer.
GPT-4 gives a correct answer to the question.
Both examples you mentioned were by itself overhyped.
Why should I trust the authenticity of your signning key? Solution 1: web of trust like PGP. Impossible with foreign content. Solution 2: Trusted Certificate authorities (private/ state/ UN) Solution 3: a block chain (scaling problems)
NFTs to the rescue - what a joke.
Die someone already mention the Apollo 14 computer hack .
OK I lied a bit it is about 50 - 50. But today I will play - just after I have adjusted the enbseries.INI :-)
I just bought Skyrim, 10 years or so after its initial release. Only because of the 60 000 mods on Nexus. I am playing it now with 400 mods installed and after a bit of configuration I am quite happy with it.
I am not so into synthetic meat ;-) So this is all speculation from my side. You can grow these cells for many cell divisions just not forever. So you keep a master stock of an early generation in the deep freezer (maybe 1000 vials). Then thaw one vial and expand the cells. Maybe you create a secondary derived stock. If they are old, thaw a fresh vial etc. If the/master stock is used up. Then you need to generate a new one.
P.s. regarding the transmissible cancer cells. I don’t think it would happen likely. I think the cells need to loose the MHC gene/protein for this. Just wanted to tell that it exists.
P.p.s I would be much more worried by viruses/ mycoplasma unknowingly infecting the cell culture. On the other hand farm animals are sick all the time too.
Transmissible cancers do exist in animal kingdom. (Tasmanian devils for example). So caution is justified.
However, as far as I know, synthetic meat would be made out of muscle cells which are not immortalized.
I wonder what happens if you ask to repeat Regards or sincerely etc.
Man, I would be so worried about impurities and side reactions. A good example is the recalls of drugs because of nitrosamine contamination. If stuff like this already happens to the experts.
And what is with the whole galenics side? How to make sure the absorption is about right…