Going back a ways here with Castlevania: Symphony of The Night. It seems like a fairly fleshed out game as it is when you get to the “final” boss but then you read a guide and find out “ending A” is only half of the game
There’s like three different points in the game that look like the end before revealing more. It’s a chunky game. If it was paced slightly better and the dialogue trimmed (by a lot) it would be perfect. But it’s close enough
I always imagined a Ciri game as a more action-oriented and somewhat more over-the-top spin-off based on how she played in Witcher 3. But honestly I’ll be content as long as it’s a good game
Which one would you recommend most?
I normally agree with you but Naughty Dog has a good enough track record that I’m not worried. But yes in principle I do absolutely hate the trend
Well you can’t buy it digitally at all anymore and if you do find the disc it’s usually priced as a “retro collectible” so the only reasonable way to get it is via the high seas—which, technically, is “really cheap”
Does Japan have anti-monopoly laws?
I prefer the one where they’re smiling through tears as they both simultaneously eat Vladimir Putin’s asshole while he beats them with a bundle of reeds
Honestly nothing gets me more interested in a movie than when the reviews are greatly divisive—it’s usually a sign that the director/writer is doing something bold or at least interesting. I know that for the most part that if I go see a movie like that even if I don’t love it I’ll at least be glad I watched it.
Alien Romulus. Me and my friends fucking loved that movie and were blown away so we were surprised to see how many people hated it
That’s a lot of A24 stuff tbh. A lot of disagreements between critics and moviegoers, but that’s usually a sign that they’re doing something interesting
Is the artist behind this a Stardew modder? The animals look a lot like Elle’s animals
Threat to what? Is an anime streaming site going to commit a 9/11?
Wait—that wasn’t intentionally hitler?
That’s for your more combat focused type of witches and warlocks. Nothing more intimidating to your enemies than a cackling female hyena with a fully-erect pseudopenis
Alien and Aliens FTW but also I loved this movie! I love all three. First is the best one, but this is the first sequel that actually felt like a direct sequel in tone and style and worthy follow up to the original. Aliens is an amazing movie and I love it, but it is a totally different feel from the original.
China makes their fake cooking oil out of sewage
I think you’d be surprised, Hitler The Dolphin was one of the best selling games of the era