I’ve been looking forward to it but don’t go to the theaters anymore really.
I’ve been looking forward to it but don’t go to the theaters anymore really.
I don’t know his work but that background makes so much sense because as good as these games are, they are extremely rigid. There is only one plot path to success.
There’s a point in It Takes Two that some people might not want to take the action suggested, but you have to in order to move the story forward.
(Slight spoiler, it involves deliberately attempting to make their daughter cry.)
I knew that and it took all day for it to percolate that I’d learned it from Kingdom of Loathing.
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As the one who said it was a remake of a show, I will give you that. It was peak adaptation of an older show. You’re very right there, it’s a damn good movie that stands on its own, regardless of where the idea came from.
I just liked throwing that typical argument back in the face of the writer. Hollywood keeps trying to recapture that lightning in a bottle, and gets criticized for it.
We just had The Fall Guy, too!
It was a remake of an old TV show.
I thought Hollywood was all out of ideas?!
Hundreds of Beavers.
I knew nothing about it going in other than good buzz, and it never drew me in at all. Made it about twenty minutes.
Way back in the day? My mom and I walked out of Death Becomes Her in the theater. It’s a very tonally confused movie, but the main issue was that it had been days or weeks since her mom had died.
In 1983 or so I bought a Japanese themed RPG for the Apple IIe published by EA.
It didn’t like the disk drive we had, so the copy protection would reboot over and over.
There were only two models of disk drive for the Apple IIe.
EA has always been this way.
The Aristocrats!
Fuck EA.
I always dissolve into laughter at the ‘going into town for supplies’ scene. It’s just perfect.
That’s awesome! Glad you found yourself. Not everyone does.
Strange Days is a classic?
I thought of it as a bit too clunky in its execution. But I’ll admit Juliette Lewis has always been a distractingly terrible actor in my eyes. And she can’t sing either.
I will admit it’s good enough to deserve a better reception than it’s theatrical release though.
That deserves its own sequel.
Diarrhea 5: Well Shit, You Can Shart on Aliens Now
My first CRPG, and my only RPG had been D&D.
My dad ran a campaign for our family when I was seven or so. Original D&D, not even advanced. It didn’t last terribly long but left a lifelong impression.
I recently inserted Creeping Coins to my Curse of Strahd campaign, as a matter of fact.
It was an unpopular twist, despite the group carrying a fortune in cursed money and having nothing whatsoever to spend it on.
It’s really not a good sign when Coppola spends a third of the trailer harping on his own hits and how critics at the time didn’t appreciate them and uses it as a callback.
Feels a little bit like Stephen King writing himself into The Dark Tower.
I can’t get over them still calling them Knives Out mysteries. It really seems like a terrible misstep.
They were fun movies but not compelling enough mysteries.
Of Russel’s movies, I’ve only seen I Heart Huckabees, and after reading about his antics during the filming, fuck that guy.
I’ll look for it!
I have heard of it but never seen it.
Fight Club.
That Dust Brothers soundtrack stands well enough on its own.