That’s so cool sounding too! I made so many half baked ideas honestly. Tower defenses, single player campaigns (way too ambitious ones), and so many more. It really taught me a lot about proper game dev honestly.
That’s so cool sounding too! I made so many half baked ideas honestly. Tower defenses, single player campaigns (way too ambitious ones), and so many more. It really taught me a lot about proper game dev honestly.
That’s cool! I made tons of stuff but most of it never got finished or released cause I just kept starting the next thing. Probably the wildest thing I ever made was a prototype for a sidescrolling platformer in wc3. It had keyboard movement and ability usage, jumping, a heart counter in the top left, enemies, powerups… It was kind of janky but it worked surprisingly well considering what I built it in.
Hey another kid who grew up wc3 modding! I did a ton of that too.
I think they have this in a Thai cookbook I have. The guy called it 'strip club fried rice" iirc
Does this have screen sharing?
I really liked this game, but I used all my unlock points on the wrong squads and couldn’t progress any further to get new ones. I wish they hadn’t bound the unlock currency to getting achievements with each squad. It made it so if I bought one I ended up hating there was no shot of getting any money back. Otherwise it’s a great game though.
Shhhh, its just the lazy devs who also work super hard to make it terrible. /s
Everyone thinks their game of choice has bad match making, but it’s just salt most of the time and doesn’t pan out when actually tested and measured objectively. If match making was perfect they would win 50% of the time, but perfection is impossible because the system can only work with the players online right now. Those players aren’t equally good every day, either, nor are they equally good against all other players, or on all maps. It’s a moving target.
That doesn’t even touch on cross play, or premade teams, which further complicate it.
I think it’s just purely generated content. If you touch it up a human was involved and it’s fair game afaik
You nailed it about the gameplay in your guess. It was very cutting edge when it came out. The animations on the plasmids were especially memorable I recall. It’s interesting to hear that part doesn’t hold up so well.
I’d highly recommend you play 2 as well. It’s quite different but I thought it was the best of the series gameplay-wise.
If you like the setting I would also recommend you go on to play BioShock infinite and specifically the DLC for it. I won’t say why, and I recommend you go through the base game first (very cool in its own right), but the DLC is really going to tickle your fancy I think.
This is true for a lot of people but unfortunately there very much are some targeting the people losing their jobs. I’ve seen plenty of people, even some on Lemmy in the past, who hate individual devs because the game they were looking forward to wasn’t good.
Is it a loud minority? Probably. That doesn’t make it OK, though, and it doesn’t reduce the mental hit to these devs in an already bad moment of their lives.
To be fair to obsidian the distribution choices have nothing to do with the people who make the game part. You can have great devs with a greedy publisher.
That’s good to know, though I wouldn’t know how to do the initial setup either. 😅
Good to know!
To be honest that was very over my head, but maybe I’ll do some research on it sometime. I don’t do self hosting so I would be looking for things that don’t need that to work.
Would love to hear about some you like!
Eagerly awaiting European owned competitors to american big tech products
For real. I had a project to make two full since player campaigns and it was waaaaaay too ambitious. I’ve always been hopelessly ambitious with game dev stuff and I still am honestly 😅
So fun to hear everyone chiming about doing this back then.