Doesn’t chatgpy remember the context of the previous question and text?
Maybe a difference in accounts and llms makes a bigget difference.
Doesn’t chatgpy remember the context of the previous question and text?
Maybe a difference in accounts and llms makes a bigget difference.
Patients explaining they liked what they heared - not if it is correct or relevant to the cause. There is not even a pipeline for escalation, because AIs don’t think.
all cost more than just making an account on established service. The cost of changing from Twitter to whatever is probably smaller than half a year of selfhosting or aaS.
RTS always requires micro - it’s real time. If micro is not required, strategy is not requires in an RTS.
I question the theory of r&d ->bankruptcy, most don’t go under. Xerox not being Microsoft had nothing to do with r&d cost.
r&d is the cost of not falling behind. For smaller company a good work environment and motivated staff is important. The people do offhour research because they like stuff they are doing. They don’t do it for the company, but they bring the skills and knowledge back to work.
But everyone just remembers that one awful teacher and not the dozens of normal teachers doing a normal amount of work, because not every moment in live is world defining.
I, too, get the feeling, that the RoI is not there with LLM. Being able to include “site:” or “ext:” are more efficient.
I just made another test: Kaba, just googling kaba gets you a german wiki article, explaining it means KAkao + BAnana
chatgpt: It is the combination of the first syllables of KAkao and BEutel - Beutel is bag in german.
It just made up the important part. On top of chatgpt says Kaba is a famous product in many countries, I am sure it is not.
Funny you mention this with a LiS - the OG game originally being a periodic game.
Luckily the fate of periodic games died fast.
I think a friend of mine would be delighted to have his children play video games.
They are only consuming [tiktock, yt, other social media].
I think he rather wants his children beating Red Alert campaign, than cpnsum 10s tiktocks.
Modding your first game, opening condigs ans inis, because key-remapping wasn’t a thing…all the gateways to interact with file system.
It’s impossible to regularly be the bad guy if you are not regularly an acting participant of the story, or even in a position of power.
Do you actually believe Princess Peach is “women are better” propaganda? Nice stats you got…
Resident Evil series? Survival Horror games… Boomer Shooters… Pathfinder games… Everything from Larian studios… Totalwar Games…
Hedon would be an option. It has actually calm moments, is cut scene free and gives you time to explore, whil still having cool combat moments.
It although has a pretty good difficulty mode.
Push Notifications, Mediacontrol with locker screen…
Holding forward during the loading screen is not better than being free to do anything.
Noone is against background loading. This is a given. People are against pseudo interaction.
Guys like you see privacy as a monolith, that it never is. Unusable privacy is meanigless as email had shown. Privacy of communications does not mean privacy of communicators and usable authentication can be more important then anonymity.
And all this has to be realised on real-world servers, that are always in reach of real world goverment.
Maybe look out for single player games?
Diablo-likes are not good, when the design team thinks about retention and game time instead of accessibilty.
Stuff like Van Hellsing, Victor Vran and other AA release are not about the grind.
Insteaf of 120 hours of PoE you can have 30-40hrs of 3 to 4 different diablo-likes a d I will tell you the difference is greater then within PoE.
You then see people making scripts that take days to run, but it’s fine, they’re only going to use it twice and are busy enough to be able to wait
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My current focus:
Isnt Icefrog one of the lead devs? I guess he likes this style of game. How many Total Wars, 4x and CoDs were released while Valve made one more Dota-like. Valve has some cool people working, vut O don’t see a Suda51, a Raphael, Swery or Co, who has the focus to develope such a single player experience. If the flat structure with ‘at will’ project focus is still a thing, than sp games have probably a problem getting devs.
So wie Menschen, können auch Zahlen integer sein.