Search for the headline on a search engine and read the article elsewhere. Usually these news sites just copy and paste the article and slap a different website name on it.
Search for the headline on a search engine and read the article elsewhere. Usually these news sites just copy and paste the article and slap a different website name on it.
I used winmx back then. After Napster was long gone.
My Thoughts exactly
Man that’s fucked up. I hope he makes a full recovery. Sadly, he’s very over weight and I’m sure that contributed to it. Uncontrolled blood pressure probably
This is why I just pay a small fee for access to a Plex/emby server.
Anybody was able to use it. Including people you may not like.
That’s because they protect themselves.
I scored a year of unlimited Usenet for 32 bucks
Yeah I do that. I just like a cloud option also. I was thinking of zipping it all and uploading to Usenet 😂
If anybody has a good option let me know. I tried using one drive to back up my entire lunchbox install (about 780GB) and Microsoft said nope. Apparently they give you 1 TB of storage but if you upload too much they cut you off. Pretty lame.
They’re working together because they’re part of the same machine
I only say Ramsey because it’s for people who can’t control their spending and like debt. Clark Howard is great if you’re actually smart
Love him or hate him. People need Dave Ramsey
People don’t. They’re in massive debt.
F the Olympics
That is a great movie. Don’t let social justice warriors tell you it’s not. Sorry to hear about your dad.
Good old EU. They’re so great amirite?
It used to be the opposite. But the normies showed up and the fight club rules are out the window.
Because they don’t make Jack shit on consumer licenses.