I met a refugee from Cuba who named her daughter Claimidia because it sounded pretty. My people aren’t educated.
I met a refugee from Cuba who named her daughter Claimidia because it sounded pretty. My people aren’t educated.
Do I need to type it again? Crying on the inside is, by definition, not “showing it.”
Tell me how to cry on the inside and show it?
Everyone forgets by spring. Don’t hold your breath.
Never saw Ghost Rider. I popped up on my radar the other day. Is it worth it, even at a campy level?
Excuse me, what?
I believe Syncthing has been discontinued unless someone else took up the project.
Both. Trillian was not Mac only (I made a mistake from memory), Pidgin was multi platform but started on Linux. Pidgin had every protocol. I still keep my .purple config folder and logs after over a decade. Not like I’ll ever read the logs again, though.
Edit: Guys, relax. I made a mistake recounting from memory. I didn’t run Windows back then. I assumed that because of the native Aqua interface, there wasn’t a Windows port.
Lose. “Loose” is for morals and what Monty Burns does to the hounds with bees in their mouth.
Mac and cheese and corn bread.
I’m getting down voted to hell for saying that in a reply below. People are weird.
Maybe your expectations. There was no suspension of plot or conclusion or anything “absurd” about this. It started absurd with the zombie cats and basically didn’t establish anything weirder. The zombie cat under the bed wasn’t even a living cat, which would have added a juxtaposition.
Not humorous.
Why is this funny?
I liked the movie a lot.
Most don’t subscribe to either. It’s the fediverse.
Post it across as many parallel subs on the fediverse as possible. Nobody will notice. It’s not like they’re connected or will stack them together based on when you post them or anything.
Fuck the police in Ohio. Love, Seattle.
I’d say the same for Tiktok users. But that’s the popular platform, so it’s unpopular to criticize it.
And that’s funny why?
Nginx Proxy Manager + LetsEncrypt.