USER INPUT: “Generate an image of a house, please. Make sure it has normal windows, and euclidean geometry.”
USER INPUT: “Generate an image of a house, please. Make sure it has normal windows, and euclidean geometry.”
Big deal I forget my medication all the time
Thank you!
That’s what I’m sayin. Or if nothing else just fill the airwaves with garbage.
Oh yeah for sure. Gang gang.
I’m just saying that, unless you built the device you’re using, and you know what every component does, and you know what it’s doing when, and you know it wasn’t manufactured by a foreign state-owned manufacturer with a penchant for putting spy chips in their devices, then you can’t truly trust anything you do on it, encrypted or not. It doesn’t really matter, if the software is being encrypted by backdoored hardware.
Just stop using your electronic devices. Not like they don’t all have monitors built in already anyway. Every connected device could be sending screenshots home and we’d never know. I mean, I guess you could use something like Wireshark to monitor your home network, but something tells me nowadays there are ways around even that. I’m not a certified network tech or even a script kiddie, but I don’t trust my tech as far as my dog can throw it. I just try to secure through obfuscation as much as possible. Everyone thinks I have carbon monoxide poisoning, but it’s a small price to pay for peace of mind - even a small one.
I don’t even notice when it hurts anymore.
Yeah it sucks. He was a cool dude- into electronics and RC stuff. Now he’s so disconnected from everything that he might as well not even exist in this realm. Also the other dude was probably not that bad. I spoke to one of his family members years ago, but only once.
The way I understand it, he got mixed up with some girl who turned him on to meth and then convinced him that her ex bf had been harassing her to the point where they needed to myrtle him and put him in the river.
He’s been in for… 27? years. If he don’t know by now, ain’t no helpin’.
I’m gonna print this out and mail it to my cousin who’s in prison.
I’m 37; it’s happening more and more frequently as the days pass. People born after I graduated are driving and voting. It’s weird.
It stopped for me last year.
I mean 2012
Dude you’re way fuckin older than me. You’re older than the letter ‘u’
noooo D-':}
There is absolutely no way in God’s green Hell that Interstellar came out 10 shitting years ago. Are you slamming my penith in a car door right now?
If only I’d been born %YEARS% later :'-(
Dang. Sounds pretty ubiquitous then. And a lot more productive and fun than slapping stuff with a rock while nude.
Didn’t they do that already?