only if its from sloth’s perspective.
only if its from sloth’s perspective.
so i can zoom in
a 4k video doorbell with sub-second response time and noise-reduction microphones without a subscription.
i think the world is ready for Zorro
probably because the manufacturers are in china, which doesnt give a flying fuck about patents. but at&t and verizon are the big money in jurisdiction. this will most likely never go to court.
wheres the first party stuff at LEAST? like garage band couldve been amazing… or logic or reason, or maps… wheres the tilt brush and 3d modelers? rollercoaster tycoon would shred in this.
Durak is basically a land war in Asia.
Green Lantern?
Power Stone!
as of March 2024 Nintendo has $14.87 Billion in cash on hand.
in comparison in March of 2024 Apple had $162 Billion.
is it normal for a handheld gaming console to run windows 10? isnt that OS end of lifing now?
theres a large corporation that found a computer running behind drywall a couole years ago, had been untouched for a decade. they unplugged it and it broke their entire ERP. ( had been running servoy)
might as well make it a musical ffs
the market can remain irrational far longer than you can remain solvent.
the world is full of bubbles right now but the wisest move is to hoard cash while the trumpets are playing and buy everything after the dust settles. like warren buffet isnt trying to time the crash, its long overdue.
some areas do fine without income taxes. plenty of other types of taxes.
ok but why not gold or silver then? also obviously without currency controls all modern countries would have drastically smaller economies.
wouldn’t a security/investment require a fundamental book value?
Star Wars has some exquisite backdrops and such flimsy dialogue. its gloriously tragic.
without fleshed out characters exhibiting humanity, its not a story.
imagine being the emergency contact for loved ones and responsible for small children and elderly, and just ghosting them in a clutch because you cant be bothered to configure your notification settings. fuck your life.