I was so confused for a moment.
I am trying to focus on posting source documents, as opposed to someone else’s reporting on source documents.
I was so confused for a moment.
While that’s not strictly a Guy Fawkes mask, holy shit does the non-blurred version get even stupider. It’s like the people who picked the image for the story thought, “Even we can’t put up something that stupid.”
I haven’t even gotten to the text of the story, because I was stopped in my tracks by the stupidest stock photo I have ever seen, wherein someone in full riot gear with an ultra-modern machine pistol is prepared to shoot someone at point blank range, when they’re already in handcuffs, which are, inexplicably, in front and not behind. And how cold is it in that basement that you’d be working while wearing a hoodie (with the hood up, of course) and a jacket zipped up over it?
Before they shut down the APIs, I deleted all my posts and edited all my comments.
Spez doesn’t get to profit from me anymore. And hopefully I’m poisoning the well.
Why is the default setting to enable remote administration?
Who’s not interested in whose opinion now?
That you’ve employed a slippery slope analogy far too widely?
I have also hired exterminators and taken antibiotics.
You shall not think of living things in hierarchical order (x is better than y)
Having to choose between my child and my dog would be a horrible choice to have to make, but I know exactly how I would make it.
Greed? How does Microsoft profit from not supporting twenty year old hardware?
But isn’t Microsoft just so evil for making it so their operating system doesn’t function flawlessly on twenty year old hardware?
Yeah that’s the tack I’ve heard, just buy a month. I decided to buy a year, because I have existed for fucking ever, and there are a good number of those data brokers that drag their feet longer than a month to remove your info.
For everyone who only read the title, a couple of Russian TLDs were no longer available in DNS. That’s a far cry from “internet offline.”
What if I call the iPad a “really big iPhone”?
You can honestly start your own TLD for a lot less with any DNS server. That doesn’t mean anyone else will necessarily use it, but you can.
How is this going to impact quick battery swap arrangments?
Somewhere around here I have the HP optical mouse that used to come with their desktops. It finally quit working and I had to replace it, and I had to do the math for how long I had been using it.
Twenty years.
That’s just God telling you to go to the bad gateway.