it’s a bunch of loose files, basically. If you wanted it actively hosted, you’d just need to put them into a web server, basically.
it’s a bunch of loose files, basically. If you wanted it actively hosted, you’d just need to put them into a web server, basically.
Hey valve, so, Uhr… Funny thing… I’m actually… Uh
… kinda dead
Well, if you’re stupid enough to tell valve about the death that is
They have me by the wallpapers!
Am I the only one who finds it super annoying, that “detection through sound waves” (Sonar) does video things while “detection through light” (lidar) does the sound things?
WHY?! Swap names already! It’s driving me nuts!
Close as “won’t fix”. Easy. That’s what their customer service does to your ticket, too, if it’s too much to handle, so…
Two things:
How can this be damaging if you ain’t trying to sell it to us in the first place?
disable the edit button. easy.
Our weekly "miracle battery that can " give us today.
You can make your speakers go BRRRRRRRRR via Home Assistant with it
Can we talk less about AI inevitably doing what AI always dies and fuck up and instead talk about the website that uses AI resources to dangle an even more juicy carrot in front of desperate people throwing away their money with the lottery?
This 1000 years thing is how (at least on paper) the main components of the medium can chemically stay intact and bonded together. You want this as stable as possible since more stability means more resistance to outside forces like moisture and such. Most discs suffering from disc rot today had a number between 5 years (baaaaad) and 200 years (still not great) and are decaying now.
So don’t take things like this too literally.
6w or so in idle, 50w under load with HDDs and RPi combined
If you’re a thechbro, this is the new magic shit, man! To the moooooon!
Hey, now that’s funny. My cat is named
sudo ulimit - u 31677
I have a hunch the two wouldn’t get along.
Thing is that I got the HDDs lying around already. The hub supplies 5v/3A so powershould not be an issue… Yet who knows… I could try to power the HDDs from a USB power supply with a split cable and see if that helps
HDD, nothing else but the drives connected, doesn’t work
Anything that ends the bullshit one has to put up with with private trackers is a boon
Yeah, I think you’re looking for Monica at this point.