If I were to take a guess, it’s probably just a censorship joke. Censoring the word implies that it is inappropriate to say. Like when people say Fr*ench".
If I were to take a guess, it’s probably just a censorship joke. Censoring the word implies that it is inappropriate to say. Like when people say Fr*ench".
If there’s openly Nazis in your bar and they aren’t being kicked out, you’re in a Nazi bar. They completed that transition a while ago.
Well, Terraria 1.4 was initially going to be version 1.3.6 until they kept adding more and more. This could end up the same way.
You also need a Steam account, to which all your games are linked. If you somehow get perma-banned off of Steam, you lose everything.
I imagine you can avoid the EA shit if you pirate it.
Calling him a narcissist isn’t really an insult either way. It’s just a fact about him. The dude only cares about himself.
If the amount of people that just put up with ads currently instead of switching to Firefox is anything to go by, I think the number of people who truly care is less that you might think. Especially when YouTube is such a monopoly.
Perhaps, with them no longer being able to easily upload clips to twitter from consoles, they’ll be less inclined to participate on twitter. I agree it’s not going to change much, though. I wonder how many people were even using this built-in integration anyway?
This is how I handle pirating. I more or less treat pirating as a demo for the game. If I liked the game enough to finish it, 9/10 times I’m going to actually buy it unless I have some personal reason not to, like the dev being a pos I don’t wish to support or something.
I’ve found the Mull browser (which can be found through the DivestOS repository on F-Droid) works great as a privacy-focused firefox fork, similar to LibreWolf. I hear Fennic F-Droid is also a pretty good but less extreme alternative, but I’d imagine you don’t care much about that if you use LibreWolf.
search term +reddit
tossing site:reddit.com before any search will guarantee all results come from reddit, if that’s what you’re looking for.
Yeah, like the other person mentioned, the origins of the word and its pronunciation are the very first thing in the FAQ on their website. It’s pronounced more like for-jey-oh.
No, no, no, no, it’s being towed BEYOND the environment. It’s not in the environment.
Cocksucker I’d imagine
Why? I feel like that would be more common on Lemmy than anything. There is an actual point in using different instances here, I don’t see any point whatsoever on Reddit.
“renting” it is still taking money from the author even if the damage is physically limited to one item.
I do see where you’re coming from, but not necessarily. If my friend has zero interest in ever buying said book (or can’t afford to) and would never become a paying customer, there is no downside to sharing a copy. In fact, if they like the book enough, they may even become incentivized to buy themselves a copy or look into the author’s other work legitimately when they otherwise wouldn’t have.
This is how/why I pirate most games. I don’t have the type of pocket money to spend on games I don’t know I’ll love, so I pirate them first. If they’re good enough, I’ll buy the actual game on steam later. Spider-Man, Baldur’s Gate 3, Cassette Beasts, etc. are all games I plan to buy when I can afford to. And I can promise I never would have bought Slime Rancher 2 if I hadn’t pirated the first one at some point and enjoyed it.
Jesus, your comment really under sells just how bad that was. That trailer is 95% gambling. That’s nuts lol.