Yea. Still use my full suite $200 adobe from being student. Like what, a decade old at this point?
Yea. Still use my full suite $200 adobe from being student. Like what, a decade old at this point?
I think he mean on these new, modern ARM laptop. None has actually work well so far. This newer Qualcomm chips are those that they themselves put the effort in. Rest were few far and between - garbage from Qualcomm and rest is from community.
You can use Authenticator Pro (android, opensesource) and Proton Pass, both let you copy the TOTP generation code to paste into another without problem. Both generate exact code
In fact that’s how I am using them right now, with Authenticator Pro is my on-device, offline, encrypted backup offline backup TOTP for Pass.
I guess it is not as straight forward as export import as you hope, but it’s not as bad as other options used to be.
According to multiple debian based and ubuntu based and Arch I use. No. Not default. Cubic still is.
My experience was that some days ago I was trying to make my UDP faster, but turned out found out about BBR - for TCP. Well, lucky me - currently some country away from home for family reason. Plex generally takes 40-80s to start a movie/episode for me. And measly about 10s max buffer available - and this is on a 3-5Mbps show.
After BBR (note I have to apply on Proxmox host, my container are unprivileged and can’t set this themselves), I got 8-30s max to start a show/movie. And now comfortably sit between some good minutes on buffer. 15-20Mbps quality now playable.
To me personally it was black magic, and I was tossing it in just 2 days ago too
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But there is an ubuntu server oddnumber.not-04?
It has extensions support for like 6 years at this point. Unless you got some extreme obscure extensions