Somebody call Tom Selleck!
Somebody call Tom Selleck!
They have a series on Gates too.
The answer to OPs question is that these people they admired were just as bad, just better at PR. Unless you think that social media has had some kind of positive effect in outing these newer bastards. Being young and naive may also have been a factor (which I can personally attest to since I was a fan of MS back in the 90s before I learned about them).
Ah yes, the ol’ “promoted to the level of their incompetence”. SOP. Or SNAFU, take your pick.
I’m sure that he can perceive the depth that the shaft of that valve is drilling into his eye socket when you turn it. That should count for something.
It’s a topsy-turvy world.
Sounds pricey. Discs are cheap.
I’d guess that the down votes weren’t because it wasn’t true, but rather simply that the fact made them unhappy. Not the best use of down votes, but understandable.
Which has its own downside, that being the up-front cost.
“Press Play on tape.”
(makes lunch)
“File found. Loading…”
(takes a bath, goes for a walk, reads a book…)
Ah the memories…
But where to store it all now?
I came here to say this. I don’t really do networking so I don’t have much care for this issue, but the clarity of the explanation was enjoyable. Plus I learned a couple of little things too.
I don’t know, maybe it is like Midas. The things he touches turn into something coveted, and therefore valuable, but also of little to no practical use, just like gold.
Yeah; seeing this pop up on my feed so close to another story about the increasing concentration of wealth to landlords in Canada made me both chuckle and then sigh.
something something wmds…
Didn’t I see that in a cartoon? Sam and Ralph?
Apple making robots, what could go wrong? (Looks up phone number for Tom Selleck)
It’s about love and companionship and everything’s fine! Just give us all of your personal information. We won’t do anything bad, we promise!
Assuming they don’t own them already as a sort of pressure valve. Yeah I’m getting that cynical.
A little bit better controls and stuff too, but yeah, the story, characters, unit customization, etc. was all top-notch.
Flashing back to Red Planet.