Use Xtra if on Android!
Use Xtra if on Android!
Ah, that height setting was hidden then lol. That fixes that issue! I’m also very aware of Heliboard, that’s what I’m currently using (with the google proprietary blob for swipe typing). I just don’t feel like the swipe is that good, it often just doesn’t produce any word after I’m done swiping out the word. Thanks for the tip about the height!
Honestly, since I can see the source code and confirm that it isn’t sending my data anywhere, I think it’s ok, even if it doesn’t meet the standard definition of foss. The keyboard is also pretty dang good, but I have two complaints. 1. I want to be able to resize the height of the keyboard. 2. The swipe typing sucks. As soon as those two things get fixed it’s easily the best keyboard on Android for me.
This works for me! Thanks a bunch!
Will check it out. Thanks for the suggestion!
I use Privacy Friendly versions of Sudoku and Minesweeper on the F-Droid store. I also really enjoy Nonograms (aka Picross), and haven’t found a good foss app for it, but the app “” has been a good experience for me. I paid like $5 for the ad free version and that’s been it, nothing else.
Could you tell us what this command does?
I use Feeder which has been awesome so far for me
I’ve had success with Standard Notes personally. I’ve just used the basic default server, but I know you can self host it. Best of luck!!
I’ll admit I haven’t watched a stream in a while, so twitch could have easily updated something, but in my experience, yes it blocks ads!