How to piss off management with one simple word.
How to piss off management with one simple word.
If those kinds of things happened I wasn’t around to see it.
Did have a guy do some embroidery on his palm during sewing class though (we got the kitchen sink thrown at us in middle school, was actually kind of neat). Same guy intentionally turned the oven up to max while making pretzels in home ec. Not the brightest bulb.
Nah, purely resistive loads in that class. Was pretty basic since it was a required course. Electronics in high school, an elective… yeah there were some dipshits that earned the Sparky nickname.
Now tech school, where we were left unsupervised for lunch… yeah there were a lot of blown out voltage regulators from using our hand-built power supplies to pop capacitors in various ways and degrees of safety. What can I say, some guys just love the smell of burnt peanut butter.
Middle school for me. Was about a month of machine shop. We built a breadboard, demonstrated the difference between series and parallel using light bulbs, that kind of thing.
I know I have a “swords united” meme with C/c at the center but can’t find it for the life of me.
A friend tried to get me to sign up in the early boom days. “It’s like MySpace, but for adults!” Yeah, that’s not the selling point you seem to think it is.
we had condo buildings collapsing and people dying WITH regulations.
Further proof that regulations don’t work! The Invisible Sky Daddy Hand shalt self-correct! All is right with the world! Praise be unto The Market, may its blessed Line forever Go Up.
Now, let us prey.
Dumpster fire speedrun any%
I stopped once I ran out of hours. ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
I think I got DSL in 2000 or 01.
(problem with ARP tables or something)
If I had a nickel for every time clearing the ARP tables fixed something, I’d have a shitload of nickels.
Forever Player 2.
I’ve never been all that big on A7, but Nightwish leaned hard into theatrical/movie score territory for a few albums. Some notables:
Dark Chest of Wonders
The Poet and the Pendulum
Ghost Love Score
One more: Last Ride of the Day
what happens when they don’t deliver?
It will be the fault of The Other. The Other is evil. The Other is ruthless. The Other is mixing drag queen and trans DNA in your child’s classroom using your fine silver and selling it to power the space lasers. Lies are the gift that keeps on giving.
Hard to avoid the local cable monopoly for internet.
Doesn’t matter, bait headline worked wonderfully.