Jump ship to what? It seems like going to Tor browser full time might be the answer?
I’m just not sure what the steps are from Librewolf to More private.
Jump ship to what? It seems like going to Tor browser full time might be the answer?
I’m just not sure what the steps are from Librewolf to More private.
Mmmm, pie. It’s better than cake.
Most people don’t realize that Hannah Montana Linux isn’t dead, it just morphed into Miley Cyrus Linux after it discovered sex, and is used more for for TORing into darkweb activities these days /s
It’s mine. I own the Shakespeare copyright.
Pay up.
Umm, y’all, this is serious.
I liked that the songs marked the “imagined” sequences. There was no singing in the things that really happened.
Joker didn’t suck, it just wasn’t the movie people wanted.
All that for JUST NETFLIX. What incredible bullshit people are having to deal with.
I think conversion from matter to energy and back again seems extreme. Maybe it’s just matter to matter but something quantum level.
Life isn’t fair, and nothing original will ever be greenlit by studios.
So they’re using several hiroshima’s or nagasaki’s worth of nuclear bomb’s energy to produce a cup of Earl Gray, hot? Seems like using garbage or human waste would save a lot of energy?
Maybe I’m misunderstanding the power required to produce a small amount of matter?
While we’re at it, is a transporter actually transporting me? Or is it technically really replicating me?
Because what I assumed was happening was they essentially had a transporter like device that would take some matter (say a big pile of human dung) transport it (i.e, convert it into the atoms/energy/whatever the transporter uses run it through a pattern buffer that’s stored in the transporter for say, Earl Gray hot) and beam it into the Captain’s quarters as Earl Gray hot instead of poop.
I mean, the replicator is making food out of SOMETHING. I’m guessing it’s some kind of waste produce from the engine room. It needs matter to operate. It can’t create ex-nihilo.
Block scripts, using whatever you want to use. I use Brave (queue criticism)
I’m reading a lot of comments here saying “I don’t get it” but not realizing they’re saying they don’t get it.
The Fugitive was my favorite movie when it was made. It’s still up there. Some movies have a special influence on trends, or exemplify a particular genre. The Fugitive is peak something. It’s certainly not “just the remake of an old TV show.”
You don’t have to squat and shit on things that stand out. It’s okay not to talk about things you don’t know about.
I tried that but then there was a launcher and the launcher loaded okay but then when you tried to run the game from the launcher it didn’t run but just crashed…
Thank you
What about my alternatively acquired games? I’ve tried using Mint and Steam with whatever that is that runs compatibility. Sometimes doesn’t work for them.
Eddie Izzard?
What. Could. Be. More. Surprising.