I’d heard that Canada gives out As down into the 80% range but I thought I was being fed a line
The search bar will show open tabs matching the query along side a switch to tab button. I’ve seen it on desktop anyway, I’d think it’s on mobile as well. I’d wager that individuals with that many tabs left open never go back to them though lol
We’ve been most of the way their for a long while with thin clients. They have just enough computational capacity to connect to someone else infrastructure. Its also how schools use Chromebooks for the most part too
Signage displays usually
They’re not high enough to become space debris
I used to love batch as a kid. One time I was feeling devious so I wrote out a little script that deletes system32 and I emailed it to a classmate. I immediately burst into tears after hitting send and called her to let her know to delete the email.