I remember when they said “players should get used to not owning their games”.
Well Ubisoft. You should get used to not getting a penny outta me forever.
I remember when they said “players should get used to not owning their games”.
Well Ubisoft. You should get used to not getting a penny outta me forever.
Yeah that’ll show him. I’m sure he’s gonna lose a ton of sleep over the miniscule amount of traffic that’s going to drop for his shitty website that he bought and drove into the ground.
Wait actually he cares way too much about how people view him so it might actually bother him a ton. It’s hard to say really.
Either way stop using Twitter and reddit. Both terrible.
And even then… Sometimes it doesn’t work haha
The users on this site are so cooked. Mans is getting downvoted for using the correct terminology lol.
Unfortunately he’s in his 60s and he thinks sports are “stupid”.
Still love him though.
He’s got his moments. I’m kinda fond of him.
They can’t.
I tried to make a comment about this in a different thread. Only you can control how you wanna spend your energy every day. Stop giving it to being angry at them all day. Unless there is something you can do to take actual action its just ruining your day with no real change taking place.
My father has requested that the family only talk to him about politics if there is something he can do. A petition to sign. A protest to mount. Something. Otherwise he doesn’t want to hear what Trump and his lackey’s are up to because he knows he can’t do anything about it and letting it ruin his daily mental health does him no good.
I think this has to do more with the popular vote going to Trump than anything Trump did specifically. They all collectively shat on him or didn’t interact with him from 2016 and all through Bidens presidency.
They saw that public opinions has shifted so badly that Trump swept everything and won the popular vote. Suddenly they are all his best friend.
They never cared. They just want to be in the “side” more people like. you’re forgetting that money/power is what drives these people. They saw more money in power in bashing Trump or siding with the Democrats until the 2024 election happened. Now they feel they can get more money and power by siding with Trump.