Could this energy density provide a good enough Wh/kg ratio for general/leisure aviation?
Could this energy density provide a good enough Wh/kg ratio for general/leisure aviation?
Economic “principles” pushed manufacturing their way, they just played the game and played it well.
You most certainly are not, but for who it might concern: Never omit to protect this access with a VPN and/or even better ditch FTP and opt for secure protocols like SFTP.
What’s your point?
Up voted for the well played irony!
While English is most of the time the lowest common denominator, I love to see some variety!
I don’t see why not. Storing a count is not so complex and the animal kingdom is filled with impressive (to our perception) mental feats* (like the dedicated neurones for each octopus tentacles).
Ironically, I find the act of following a pheromone trail counting steps way simpler than them having detailed mappings of their surroundings.
Edit: fears -> feats
Same here in Quebec (but I don’t know if it’s a Canada thing), the title of engineer is reserved to folks who completed an engineering degree.
IIRC, when you think about words, you also emit weak signals to your face like if you were actually pronouncing those words, but too weak to actually activate your muscles…
This device would pick up those signals.
EDIT: not saying this thing works, but the principle is valid.
Indeed, but the cost of acceleration up to that speed is heavily influenced by mass.
And I don’t know many cities where you can cruise endlessly without traffic, stops, red lights, etc. Especially Paris where you would be lucky to attain 50km/h.
And at how many 10s of thousand civilians does it stop being self-defense?
Reminds me of another war not so long ago.
Conveniently ignoring Israel I see?
And Israel, SA…, Don’t forget their best buddies!
Anything that is in the way of $ is against the US interests.
IIRC, it goes against the OG Gnu/Linux philosophy of having multiple small tools that interconnect well together. Systemd is seen as monolithic and cumbersome by some/most(?).
If someone is more connected to this debate feel free to correct me!
As in 2025