So many hours on unreal tournament, might get some more now.
So many hours on unreal tournament, might get some more now.
Energy needs can be met and shouldn’t be an argument for using plastic.
The pollution could be more dependending on how you look at that statement, but making something without plastic results in less plastic pollution and you can’t claim that to be an overall loss for the earth.
Size and portability.? Ease of use?
I much prefer this stance to shutting down the museum. They acknowledge the issue in a way that allows people to form opinions and act in a way they are comfortable with.
There is a rule about having more than 34 tabs. Search Firefox rule 34 and you can see what happens.
This is step 86 in the plan. Step 87 is make people pay for the previously free service
He’s such a genius, why would he look for additional help? All these claims are such shit. Remember when Tesla would be fully self driving and we would all whizzing around in tunnels? Fuck this guy.
I found it wierd, I still think my question was valid. Thanks for the response.
Edit: they cropped out the author site.
Strange cropping and weird white patch on the pair programming tile. Is this cutting out a signature or watermark, or is this OC?
Did you seriously see an edit of an xkcd from 3 or so years ago and get so angry that you felt the need to run and post in a forum about how they are wrong and you are actually a massive douche?
Can it be monetised more than destroying the environment though?
You will commute from your home space cylinder complex to the office cubicle space cylinder complex. There is no other way the system works.
2009scape!? If it’s what I think it is that is amazing. Legend