I love how it’s apparently worse because she’s a “grandmother”.
she/her, A(u?)DHD, German (linksgrünversifft), fanartist. Likes Doctor Who a normal amount. Also other nerdy BS. 🖖⚛️🦄🐙🦖🎮🗾
✨ #fckafd #fckcdu #fckmrz ✨
I love how it’s apparently worse because she’s a “grandmother”.
Turning off hardware acceleration helps, at least in Firefox.
I’m starting to think the film might have a couple of plot holes
😱😱😱 This masterpiece of intricate world building?! You shut your mouth!
Or Blender. Seems like every little update moves menu items around making every guide you look up unusable.
Unrelated to the topic: news media used to get someone to translate their shit for them so there wouldn’t be ambiguity about what the source says. I fucking hate that it’s now okay to rely on machine translation and hope for the best. I will not credit them here for noticing that something wasn’t entirely clear in their translation, that’s the bare minimum.
“Actor would take job.”
⚒️ 🚗 🔨
That looks atrocious. I need to see it now.
Edit: “and George RR Martin” waitwhat i am so confused
Edit2: “Based on a short story by George R. R. Martin” oh i see.
Keep those pesky Luigis away
Excuse you?
“I would have made this amount of money if you hadn’t interfered, maliciously. I lost profit because of you.” Nothing to do with morals.
But how does that statement contribute to anything?
I pay $100/month for internet access.
Which you’d also pay if you used Honey.
Lemmy may be free to access, but certainly not free to host. Am I paying for it personally? No, but someone is.
You also wouldn’t have paid to use Honey.
You also don’t see Lemmy paying hundreds of YouTubers and influencers for ad spots.
That one, that’s a valid argument.
“Over” my ass…
It does seem awfully like you’re implying a connection to the topic at hand.
https://www.sendungverpasst.de/sender - not just RTL.
Coincidentally, I just saw Nitro has a bunch of Edgar Wallace right now. https://www.sendungverpasst.de/search?q=edgar+wallace Those might be interesting to OP, seeing as they’re German cultural foundations :)
That’s for public broadcasters. Would be news to me that RTL is obligated to take down their own stuff? In any case, there’s still a constant flow of basically all the content made in Germany and it’s easier than getting into private trackers :)
Might be easier to VPN into the various Mediatheken that German TV stations run.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m going to watch this the second I can get my hook on it but I’d really prefer (and would pay for) a decent MotU movie, even if it’s “just” good weird.
There’s good weird and bad weird. This seems to be going in the bad weird direction.
Wer zu doof (oder, wie manche in Gefilden deutscher Rechtsprechung sagen… zu klug?) für Torrents ist, kann sich, rein interessehalber natürlich, mal mit Open Directories auseinander setzen. Ein wissenschaftlich sehr interessantes Thema.