OMG I’m an idiot. Thank you!
Art loving freedom adoring supervisor. Hit me up for a community on the blazingly fast server!
OMG I’m an idiot. Thank you!
Would Universal Basic Income take power away from you?
Like you personally?
Or is UBI meaning something else too?
Maybe, or just extending the suffering for a couple of months. Hope it gets better!
But everything works in mice.
Well, killing 99% of cancer cells is quite useless, the 1% left will now thrive and if they survived because they were different (and not just luckily escaping the treatment) you now have 100% of cancer cells you can’t treat anymore.
Better case, the 1% “lucky” cancer cells just re-invade.
Are they just more popular, or do they sell more cars?
I hate language like “the economy is mourning” or stuff like the headline.
I love this.
We need more security, more control over our own activities.
To people who plead we give up our anonymity to catch burglars, we already did that and we got mass surveillance by state, nation and the private sector. Seems like the burglars are still out there though.
I’m working on a similarish protocol (up, working) basically IPFS but better ;-) anyone know where I could get some feedback or show it to people interested in those kind of things?
This is incredible!
American sites like this so rarely ship to France, or it costs a litteral fortune just in shipping, here it’s 130€ for a 12TB shipping included!
I Do Not Need A 12TB Hard drive.
I Do Not Need a 12 TB Hard drive!
I mean or do I?
Thanks 💖