Cut sequences: … the scene where Bluey talks underwater because talking underwater may be dangerous and can cause drowning.
What’s the target audience of this show?
Their CPUs would also be decent if they only made low end parts
Kind of unrelated, why does c sometimes fail to print if it hits a breakpoint right after a print while debugging? Or if it segfaults right after too iirc
Does OSM have any bullet vending machines?
Edit it has two:
Even if it says “licence” or whatever then I’d still not be fine with it not being permanent. The language isn’t the problem
Sony has a patent for an input device having two data streams at once
Fsr doesn’t use ml. And I don’t think dlss needs special tuning anymore neither. They fucked something up
This is kind of a strange article. Of course a court isn’t going to judge by someone’s character or good karma. If the judgement seems too high the blame should be on charging for someone else’s crime (deterrent sentences) and what is written as acceptable in the book
Are you’re familiar with how singal’s servers work? Even I can think of a system where all messages are collected in a common pool before being distributed, the actual security researchers that made signal surely thought of something better.
How does FISA make it legal for singal to lie to a court about what information they have? Please enlighten me
The server doesn’t need to know or keep track of who’s sending a message to deliver it. If you don’t trust signal to not lie to the court about not collecting such metadata, I can’t convince you otherwise. But there’s a merit in designing your system so that such collection is as hard as possible.
All on dot/doh, all us cloudflare servers. Specific ips of the servers were different. I could reach Lemmy, google, ecosia just fine so I don’t think the servers were blocked.
I haven’t turned off fallback but judging by how I was getting a connection reset instead of the block notice when discord didn’t work I think fallback must be auto disbled with encrypted dns.
I do wonder if local cache had an effect, I didn’t know how to check that though. No proxy that I know of.
I did find the file and the part of the file that was different in Vivaldi and copying that to other browsers did make them work. I should’ve tried that with other social media sites too but I was too sleepy and now the temp blocks are gone. Can’t find information about network persistent state file on the internet, so I’m stumped for now
I don’t think you understand. The old profile connects to youtube. New profile doesn’t connect. There’s no difference between the flags of both. TLS is decades old and doesn’t have a flag to turn on or off. I think you mean dns over tls or dns over https, which is also widely supported at this point, and those are what all my browsers are using (and also don’t have a flag to turn on or off, they’re handled in settings).
As I said, all my browsers are using the same dns server. This isn’t a dns block
As this kind of thing happens after every public crisis and it stopped working on different networks at different times (vodafone was fine for a while in the beginning), I think it’s safe to say it’s intentional.
And as I explained, the weird part is that my browser’s fine despite not using a vpn. No slowdown (on youtube at least) at all
Is that really how it works? I thought signal protocol was about just how the encryption worked, not what is encrypted?
Except a computer isn’t making decisions here? An investigator is making decisions, the computer is sorting the investigatees. Even if that wasn’t the case it wouldn’t be ambiguous who to blame, it’s clearly on who decided what goes into the algorithm and how it should work
Edit: even beyond who would be legally responsible, as evidenced by this article and others like it people are already holding policy makers and anti welfare instigators responsible. The fall guy being one step removed from the crime doesn’t change who made it happen
What’s it with the growing twitter widgets nowadays?
Seeing how many devs ignore suggested regional pricing unless steam autofills it for them, nobody would enable this on their own, and you can’t make this sort of thing opt out.