Oh i didn’t even hear about that. Fuck spez.
Oh i didn’t even hear about that. Fuck spez.
Its improving over time, I think it’ll find a decent grove as more communities pop up. I find the comment sections really engaging too I’ve had some solid conversations over here.
I’m glad I jumped ship back during the ban on 3rd party apps. That was it for me.
It was Skill-up’s review that turned me off it and I’m glad I never played it from the rest of the reviews I’ve read. The art direction is so off-putting and I love the line “it feels like HR is in the room with you in every scene”, I have no idea what they were thinking.
I consider the internet unusable without an ad blocker, ESPECIALLY youtube. I can’t imagine life without it. It would be like camping without a tent, I guess I could get by but it can really suck depending on where you go.
Everyone has a GPS on their phone anyway I’d imagine they just use that lol.
I saw an ULTP a while back about making your font colour the same as the paper/background (white) and spamming a bunch of key words and skills that the AI is looking for to get your resume sorted to the top of the pile. I’ve considered doing that but I already have a good resume for my field.
The words “I’ve been excommunicated!” or “I’m a blood donor!” they’ll never talk to you again!
Ya that game rules. I was also a massive fan of rainbow 6 Vegas 2 back in the day.
I’ve heard rumours of a buyout. Its sad I really used to enjoy a lot of their games and now they’re just not interesting at all.
I’m still using the audiobooks so I’ll keep it unless there is a better app for audiobooks specifically.
After 15 listening hours they let you finish the chapter then block listening until the next month and its a stupid amount of money to top up. Unfortunately I have all my music and podcasts tied to the base service and thats the only thing keeping me there. If I’m paying a monthly fee I feel entitled to unlimited anything.
I just want unlimited audiobook listening this 15 hours thing is bullshit. I nearly dropped spotify the second I got that notification out of spite.
oh jeez! finally!
or any nintendo game, I swear they’re never on sale.
had to be me… someone else might have gotten it wrong.
I could go for personal quad copters. Imagine leaving work early on a friday and packing up the oll’ whirly bird and heading up to the cottage? that would be awesome.
well yeah. In this world that we live in money is freedom and if you don’t have it your options are severely limited. For those that don’t have it it getting it is the only thing that matters.