I hope you are appropriately blown away by watching C3P0 kill Darth Vader
I hope you are appropriately blown away by watching C3P0 kill Darth Vader
OP did you not know about this? https://youtu.be/kIUlmuEtgkY?si=1w3yfJZ0WtzT_vWQ
Comments like this are why I left reddit. This is a completely hinged and totally reasonable thought process that calls in a question, a lot of facets of the issue and ways them against each other appropriately. Maybe something more crazy would spark a bunch more replies but I totally like that Lemmy is a place that just lets people be normal.
Yeah weird they didn’t mention it because it’s clearly his best work
Huh I haven’t met anyone on telegram yet. Agreed if you somehow didn’t have infinite SMS in your plan you are taking an L
Seems weird to me to use an unencrypted ancient format
Even in USA nobody ever SMS me. Messenger and insta are primary with WhatsApp and signal sometimes being relevant and wechat for the Chinese community.
Pretty sure this is his world tour mode intro. Looking forward to seeing how drive Rush integrated with his long standing kit.
You have a problem with oauth?
As a wheel of time, invincible, the boys, and fallout fan I feel extremely targeted. I’m a Yakuza superfan so I will have to watch this but I hope they don’t mess it up. I’m still playing infinite wealth but once I’m done I’ll have completed every rgg game except of the end and that PSP exclusive neither of which I’m going to go back to.
Yeah Y0 is too far back to go for a show I imagine
Gee maybe you should sue epic and make them carry other stores apps and not lock in their payment system and allow downloading steam from their store for giga karma.