Oh, interesting! That’s the first I’m hearing of being able to configure more in Linux, seems like anyone taking ML seriously would be using Linux anyway.
Oh, interesting! That’s the first I’m hearing of being able to configure more in Linux, seems like anyone taking ML seriously would be using Linux anyway.
Maximum allocation of 96GB to VRAM on the 128GB configuration, but your point still stands. This desktop was absolutely designed almost specifically for ML-enthusiasts, and if you wanna run a game on it you can too. Describing it as a “gaming PC” is totally missing the mark.
EDIT: it has been pointed out that the 96GB limit is a Windows limitation, so wouldn’t affect any serious ML-enthusiast
Final Fantasy - VI
I actually think IV, but then skip to VI and go from there.
In addition to the community-aspects others have noted, the combat system is a bit slower-paced and extremely strategic. The jobs(classes) are all extremely unique and the sub-job system allows you to play them differently as needed. You can switch jobs on one character so you really grow attached to your specific character rather than making different characters for different classes.
You can swap-gear mid combat which gives you a lot of situational flexibility that makes it feel like you’re actively contributing to your success or failure. As an example you might have a set of great for a specific ability, or switch to defensive gear if you draw the enemy’s attention.
Additionally, the story is really nuanced and the side-characters are often very realistic in their choices, motivations, and there is a sense of consistency throughout the world that really makes it feel “lived-in” in a way a lot of other MMOs don’t bother with.
Honestly I could go on and on. It’s just a really special world and will stick with me for life. Even a few years out from playing I still get the itch to go back constantly. Vana’diel is like a second home for me.
FFXI ruined all other MMORPGs for me, because there is nothing like it and probably never will be again.
Final Fantasy XI and it’s not even close.
Hmm, I think I was responding within the context of some of the other replies, so I might have lost track of what OP said before responding.
As a French press/Mint guy, I guess I have to agree.
from Episode One and Episode Two, along with ideas and experiments for the third episode that never came to be.
Emphasis mine. They mean HL2 Ep 3 was planned and canceled. Not HL3.
I will never be able to!
Bastion is one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever played, both art-wise and theme-wise. The entire end of the game was just chills and tears for me.
Pretty sure it’s Jesus H Roosevelt Christ
It did not understand the assignment, but it did give me a few reasonable examples of the original prompt.
Hehe, thumbnail.
From an access to information request, I was able to obtain the documents related to the decision to undo the 4-year long WFH decision.
What does this even mean? Information request to who? Are you sure you didn’t just read it in one of the hundreds of reddit or lemmy comments about this?
I call it Space Pocahontas.