A cheap laptop might also be worth considering? Built in UPS that way, and sometimes UPSes have a large standby power usage. Would support a couple of bus powered drives as well.
Main drawback is no recovery if the battery drains fully.
A cheap laptop might also be worth considering? Built in UPS that way, and sometimes UPSes have a large standby power usage. Would support a couple of bus powered drives as well.
Main drawback is no recovery if the battery drains fully.
I remember the sound. Also, it was on a three wheel table, and the whole thing would shake when defragging.
So was mine, but the controller thought it was 10mb so had to load a device driver to access the full size.
Was fine until a friend defragged it and the driver moved out of the first 10mb. Thereafter had to keep a 360kb 5¼" drive to boot from.
That was in an XT.
Probably only affects a small number of AMD machines.
Seems to be specific to some AMD models. I’m running it on a ~ten year old Asus. Timeout waiting for tpm as seen in someone else’s post at https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/much-longer-boot-time-after-updating-to-fedora-41/132603/15
Problem only occurred after upgrading from 40 to 41 - can be seen by pressing Esc while it’s booting.
Fedora 41 is now the ‘wait 45 seconds every boot because you don’t have a tpm chip’ version.
I think pool would be harder to emulate than pinball unless using a real cue and VR. It’d be hard to have a one to one user interface for this whereas pinball is mostly binary since flippers went electronic.
That said, I’ve fond memories of some pool games in the DOS / '95 era. The duration of the mouse click being the analog to the cue force.
Hehe you’re right kinda.
I take my phone data offline after about midnight and if I can’t sleep I’ll do Solitaire or crosswords.
If I’m really wanting a good game, Zen Pinball is my poison. One day I plan to get an old TV and turn it into a Zen Pinball machine, as others have done on YouTube.
Sometimes I set the Eudora xylophone sound as a mail notification on my phone. Nobody has noticed though.
Windows Live Mail still living on with occasional repairs needed.
Outlook Express has died though.
So has incredimail I think.
Lan sync is their only killer feature.
Partly why I use Voyager with page numbers. Gives you a clear stop point.
I’m still banned from there after saying, regarding Eneloop batteries, the white ones are better than the black ones (if you need slower self discharge.)
Aah the joys of 256 color video cards.
I think that was The Zuck.
Set up a new pc for someone today. Turned off all the OneDrive backup options. Rebooted and copied their files from a USB to SATA adapter. They turned the backup settings back on again!
Can’t trust Microsoft.
As a heavy user of Playit Live, Excel with macros and Google Drive, I’m stuck in a Windows World for a while yet. The first two could maybe run in Boxes if I send the audio to a USB device.
Righto :)
I was thinking of usb3 hard drives. No need for internal storage if using spinning rust.
On older laptops with optical drives you can sometimes replace the drive with a sata tray and add a second drive that way.
But yes, a server that looks like a server and can recover after power loss is useful.