He’s been doing some interesting low budget stuff on the side. Synchronic, Io, a bunch of others I haven’t seen.
He’s been doing some interesting low budget stuff on the side. Synchronic, Io, a bunch of others I haven’t seen.
Pocket. A closed source binary blob in a “open source” project.
Orbit: AI productivity tool.
Anonym: Ad server.
Locking down extensions.
Cutting 250 jobs while raising executive pay 400%.
In 2021 the CEO made 5.5 million. They got about 7 million in donations that year.
80% of their revenue is from google. But google encourages them to waste the money on stuff not related to the browser because it’s competition to chrome. Their job us to look like a viable competitor but not be good one.
The browser is constantly getting worse on performance, user experience, and customizability.
They have gone from 34% user share to 2.2%. So clearly I’m not alone in my opinion of the current state of the browser.
There are two main inverter approaches. One big inverter that takes the DC from a bunch of panels and converts it into AC and micro inverters where each panel gets it’s own small one placed directly under the panel.
The micro inverters cost around $150 each. So you need around 10 panels before the single inverter becomes a good choice.
Installers love the micro because the install is easier. However as a owner with say 30 panels you now have 30 points of possible failure instead of the 1.
Having dealt with Sony for years as a engineer their non consumer hardware is a true pain. Trying to interface with some of their ccd image sensors was some of the most PITA integration i’ve ever dealt with.
I like musicals and still think it was pretty bad. It’s a jukebox musical which are usually bad anyway.
Almost none of the songs move the story forward. Most of them are just we are in love numbers. You get one maybe two of those a musical.
Joaquin Phoenix is a good actor and a terrible singer. Lady Gaga is a good singer and terrible actor. So every scene with them both has one of them doing a bad job.
My uncle made one in 1985 that did blinks for clicks and looking direction for joystick control.
Cells make too many of them to not have a purpose. There is a large energy cost to manufacturing 10k-100k per cell. That’s enough for selection to remove them if they were useless.
What’s probably going on is they have an important but uncommon purpose. Like a fire extinguisher. They are in most buildings but a lot of people will never see a situation where one is needed.
In this case the class action would be youtubers and other content creators not users of Honey.
Heroic launcher with GE proton installed runs about anything that works on Steam Linux.
It can be. Lower difficulty and phoebe chillax as the storyteller. I highly recommend modding the game. Both the common QOL mods and tweaks to what you don’t like.
Yeah mid game the cpu load gets bad. Some tips.
Cleaning up debris into piles to simplify physics calculations.
Removing gasses you don’t need that are floating around the map.
Walling off sections of the map with only one door to simplify path planning.
Killing off or consolidating the wild creatures.
Setting dups (like cooks) that don’t need to leave your base to not be able to leave.
The Greeks are expert at trolling the Italians.
Rare Exports
I didn’t. At first I though you were talking about Doctor Who. Then I looked it up and saw he did Quatermass as well.
It’s a solid series. Kind of Doctor Who without the Doctor.
Yeah that happened to me. Never finished it and wonder why it’s so loved.
Yeah I decided to run away when asked to pay the bill. Failed the roll and while jumping and giving a double bird to the manager crashed into and old lady in a wheelchair. Manager was so upset he gave me a huge discount on the bill.
10/10 would play again.
It’s great! Quick warning it’s two parts so the first just stops with a “to be continued”. Trailer https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JaRLlh8Pw5A
Alienoid. Korean sci fi about aliens who put their prisoners in human bodies and the time traveling robot wardens.
Just FYI they weren’t testing Paul to see if he is an abomination. They are testing to see if he is a human (self control) or a animal.
His sister is an abomination as she has access to the genetic memories like a reverend mother but without a formed personality being a child. It’s why the Baron is able to possess her.
But yeah Paul was a child playing god. Leto II was a god. Being a abomination did make it possible for him in a way Paul couldn’t achieve.
Leto II, The Stolen Journals