Servers are much more secure when they are shut down.
Rome Total War was a groundbreaker in AI, one of the first titles to utilize genetic programming for AI on the campaign map.
I wonder how good this turns out. I’m a bit afraid though, I really don’t want core game features gated behind having an Nvidia GPU.
Yeah, but there are probably more of Mandarin speakers than all the others combined.
Native English speakers are definitely a minority globally. And I’m not even saying taking over, just that in some places it might be an additional one, and English won’t be the language, only a language.
To the point that not knowing Mandarin at all might be a similar disadvantage in the world as not knowing English at all.
It kinda looks like the US might move to the other end of the cultural colonialism thing.
It might be worth it to pick some mandarin up.
Warhammer Total War, the series where DLCs feed forward to the new title.
Elder Scrolls Online, there is a base game, a sub that does not include the base game or expansions, an expansion upgrade and expansion editions, and content that are not technically expansions.
I imagine they will buy some more just to fire all the people and do nothing with the IP.
You asked me to name a good service a government provides for a large number of people successfully. I named several. I get that you have ideological problems with goverments doing stuff, but governments not doing stuff results in what you can see in the US right now.
The original post is also not about a hypothetical ideological question, but that the US government was captured and dismantled by its corporations, and those corporations want to continue that societal rot over here. The EU cannot tolerate that.
They are not just funding existing projects like Lemmy, they are actively encouraging new projects by providing funding for “open internet” style stuff.
Though yes you are right, it is different from directly hiring people, since if they did that, it would be very hard to relinquish direct control of the project. Corps can’t act solely for the common good, governments have that as their stated mission.
You can host Libreoffice Online if you really want
I do since it’s a better service
Yeah, they know you’re addicted, and won’t let you cut yourself off
Catching individual errors is fine. Having all errors be ignored by default is weird.
That’s fine, but then who does the search engine?
You can do things decentralized, and if you look into it, the EU is happy to fund projects to create decentralized internet services. Case in point, Lemmy’s primary funder is the EU.
You are posting on a social media platform solely funded by the EU.
But I’ve heard the USPS is not shit either. Publicly funded and run universities in the EU also provide the same or better service as those in the US for pennies on the dollar. Also, a lot of European railways are state run, like a lot of other public transit companies.
Also, the only space agencies that ever got to the moon were public. So were the ones that put the first man in space, and the first man on the moon, and the one that sent the first satellite into orbit and the farthest man-made object from Earth.
Just block payments from advertisers by revoking their business licence.
Who do you trust more, Google or the EU?
Those graphs look like as if PC gaming was always a bit bigger than consoles, it was the pandemic that had new people stay at home and make a dent in it as they were heavily marketed to. Since that has passed, the dent has passed. Corps like console since it is more locked-down and corp friendly, so less piracy and less variety in target hardware, and no Steam to compete with their crappy ecosystems.
They would have liked that dent to be the start of a trend. But it wasn’t.
Correction: In Perl, everything works as can be expected.
Well, that is embarassing. It’s master.
I don’t remember setting this, but then again, I don’t remember a lot of things. Thanks!