Miss the days when you could buy a dumb TV and add the tech you wanted.
Miss the days when you could buy a dumb TV and add the tech you wanted.
This is why I prefer “smart” controls for dumb things. If the control gets bricked I can replace it or the thing will still work without it.
For anyone like this to be a good thing there needs to be a system of checks and balances. There should be an appeal process that is low effort and low or zero cost. There should also be a verification process by a third party before anything can be added.
I do, but I do it on my terms when I know it is stable. I don’t allow anyone to push updates to my system.
I don’t remember much about my OS courses from 20 years back, but I do recall something about walls between user space and kernel space. The fact that an update from the Internet could enter kernel space is insane to me.
caused “substantial harm to television program copyright owners,_
Maybe? People willing to copy and distribute this content will always be around and you will never catch them all. People willing to pay a discount or seek not and find said content will always be around. And there will be those who will watch a show or a movie because it is freely available, who would never pay a dime for it.
They will never end piracy and I’d argue it might actually be bad for business if they did.
I had an LG and a Kyocera back in the day that could do that. They had some small non-connected games. Of course I couldn’t do much with the hotspot as this was on 3G.
Fine these mother fuckers! We need legislation to limit income disparity between insiders and grunts. It needs to work on total compensation and include contract workers. Any insider making more than 15x the average or median income should have to pay 50% of the difference and that fine should increase every year it’s not corrected.
Mentor of mine used to say
Developers, fix their heads, they lose their asses. Fix their asses they lose their heads.
Gemini doesn’t work like Google assistant.
It doesn’t seem to be able to actually take actions.
Things I used to do with assistant that do not work with Gemini
I don’t know about other things like seeing timers or running routines, I shut off Gemini as soon as I realized it couldn’t handle my most used requests.
Don’t punish the taxpayer, punish the troll.
Requiring a government agency to pay a penalty will only ensure the agency will work with less efficiency. In turn, ineffective agencies are further criticized and will become a target for privatization, which only ever serves special interests and those with means.
Put an end to this one and for all. Pass a law that requires any entity which files suit on the basis of being a parent holder must show that they use the patent to earn income from sales that are proven to be independent from them and their officers. If the suit is only being filed for easy money, they should be fined heavily.
I always thought Google Glass looked pretty sleek. Much better than having a full VR set on your face. You had a full field of vision, just a small HUD.
That kit box would actually be perfect for my needs as this is a hobby I only visit occasionally or when needed. It would be great to have something I can easily store.
I’m much more interested in your kit in the background.
Yes they do and I do add my own tech but my experience with some of these devices has not been great.
I have LG TVs which I connected to the network and have been updated over the years to have really bad UX and are now polluted with ads.
I had an LG sound bar that was great for a while until it completely stopped working. Powers on, all functions seem to work, just no sound. Originally it worked as a Chromecast device too, but they stopped doing updates and Google stopped working with the old API.
My fear is that eventually there will be an update that bricks a device. Now I’ve taken them off the network, but how long before we have TVs that require Internet to even function.
These smart TVs have a lot more hardware and software than they need which means a lot more to break.