Lol fixin to? I love it when people use that.
Lol fixin to? I love it when people use that.
What does that even mean? Why were d1 and d2 good? Plenty of games have come and gone with similar features.
Just as Harry potter wasn’t a great story, but had great timing, I think d2 was the same. It was good but it also was at the right time.
‘You’re all making fun of it and yet you buy it’
No, those are two different groups. Gamers ™ are not a monolithic block. Some like it, some hate it, some in between. To lump that all together is moronic.
Grummz is a terrible human being and should never be paid attention to.
But the protests made it clear that letting moderators make their communities private at their discretion “could be used to harm Reddit at scale” and that work on this feature was “accelerated” because of the protests.
Because Reddit admins deserved that harm. We’ve handed them all this free data and resource and they decided it was theirs.
doctortran? The doctortran? The real doctor? The dashing special agent with a PHD in kicking your ass? (
One time I commented that my favorite game was WoW, down voted -15 for no apparent reason.
I wouldn’t use that as evidence that you were bot-attacked. A lot of people don’t like WoW and are mad at it for disappointing them. *coughSHADOWLANDScough*
Oooh this has my name written all over it.
I’ve never used itch. What’s good about it? What sets it apart from steam?
Eh. Pass. I don’t care for creepy horror without something else. I liked horror comedy, campy earlier versions.
It’s very cool
Wait, are they cool or hot? I’m so confused.
My biggest frustration with community building is how it’s so hard to do natively in game. (I play WoW.) Typing is slow and takes away time from DPS, especially if you are in a group with impatient veterans who want to chain pull. There needs to be quick communication, like a wheel or something. (I use Opie to create this, macro common sayings, like in Helldivers.) I need a V button like from Deep Rock Galactic. Give me fast way to communicate simple emotes and I’ll build from there.
Additionally, I’ll never see the people in PUGs again. Why bother being friendly? In Vanilla, we had the same server, a reduced population. I could literally run into a person in Ironforge a few days after a group. (Don’t group with that guy, he’ll yell at you for jumping.) I’d see the same names in trade chat. (Oh, that’s the nice blacksmith that made my sword!) When everything is cross server, the population is so large and I’ll never see them again, and 1 dungeon run is not enough to know if someone is worth making friends. Friends happen by repeated forced interaction and then realizing later that you liked them.
I also think that a 3rd place would help. Give me a space and a reason to be there. Only running dungeons thru magical teleport menus is immersion breaking and doesn’t foster any social interactions. Chat channels spamming LFG was terrible and slow, but at least you talked to people. The Theme Park nature and menu driven dungeons build zero community.
I don’t do betas, but I’m following your progress! I love this.
And it dismisses the time component of self hosting. It’s not going to be zero.
I’m not in software dev but 8 years seems a long time to make a game like this. I love the game and play it daily, but it’s not that deep. It’s has 5 maps and 20 guns and 2 kinds of enemies. That doesn’t doesn’t seem like an 8 year dev time.
Brother? Are you sure about that?
Enshittification continues. I used to evangelize roku bc I want a dumb TV. I guess that’s no longer valid.
Anyone past the age of 30 and isn’t skeptical of the latest tech hype cycle should probably get a clue. This has happened before, it’ll happen again.
Anyone have a way to get around their sign up wall? 12ft and archive didn’t work.
<3 oxygen not included